How to handle Allowances and Deductions in our payroll processing?

Schools can set Basic salary based on the percentage or enter manually.
When you choose to calculate basic based on the percentage, the system will automatically calculate the based on the percentage in the total gross salary.
When you choose to enter manually, the system considers the amount you enter against the employee in salary details individually.

Schools can create Allowances and Deductions based on the percentage or manual.

Allowances are the positive amounts that will add and reflect in the salary based on the percentage or manual settings.
Ex: HRA, Basic, TDS, etc.

Deductions are the amounts that will deduct every month based on the salary settings.
Eg: PF, ESI,

We can mention the amount as Exact amount, round off to nearest rupee, Floor or ceiling amount.

You can View Allowance / Deduction overall settings under view Allowance/Deductions tab.

You can also Copy Allowances/Deductions from one Branch to another Branch.

Path: Settings/ HR / Add Allowances

We would like to set a limit for staff attendance modification in a month. Is it possible?

Yes, You can set the following limitations to staff attendance modification at a branch level.

Threshold percentage – This is the percentage of value we will mention, that the principal can modify the attendance branch wise
Max Days – The Max. number of days, the principal can modify the attendance with respect to early leaving and late coming in a month.

Allowed Staff Modified MaxDays – The Max. no.of days that the staff attendance can get modified in a month.

Path: Settings/ HR / Staff Attendance Approval Settings

What are the rules that can be applied for attendance to consider in payroll generation?

The following LOP rules can be applied to staff attendance

Is Week off LOP Rule Applicable – Will be considered as absent, If the staff is absent before or after the week off.

Is HoliDay LOP Rule Applicable – Will be considered as absent, If staff is absent before or after the Holiday.

Permittable Lates – No of Permitted Late comings in a month.

No of Biometric Lates for LOP(A) – No. of late coming days allowed in a month after which each late is considered as LOP.

LOP Days for Biometric Lates (B) – No of LOPs to consider beyond no of allowed lates (LOPA)

Eg: LOP(A) = 3, LOP(B) = 1(After allowed lates, every 3 lates from there on, will be considered as 1-day lop)

Path: Settings/ HR /Payroll Attendance Rules