Can we set the Pre Admission Process as per school’s admission policy?

Yes, you can define the admission process based on your school’s admission policy

Select the checkbox to enable the stages of the pre-admission phase.

Set the sequence to the stages to follow during the admission process.

Mark the stage as mandatory / Non-mandatory. Please note that the mandatory stages cannot be skipped to complete the admission.

For example, if your schools follow the admission flow as Enquiry, application, and admission and do not follow pre-admission and Registration stages, enable only Enquiry, application and admission stages.

5 step process :

1. Enquiry -> Application -> Pre Admission Exam -> Registration -> Admission

4 step process:

1. Enquiry -> Application -> Pre Admission Exam-> Admission
2. Enquiry -> Application -> Registration-> Admission

3 step process:

1. Enquiry -> Application -> Admission
2. Application -> Pre Admission Exam-> Admission
3. Application -> Registration -> Admission

Enable the admission stages in Enquiry settings page.

Path: Settings / Admissions / Enquiry Settings