How to generate parent concern analysis report?

Parent Concern Analysis report can be generated from the system admin login.

To generate the report, please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB with system admin login credentials. Click on the Concerns module.

Step 2: Choose Parent Concern Analysis option under Reports menu.

Step 3: Detailed report:
Choose location, branches as All or a specific branch, Report type as detailed, concern type category, all concern types or a specific concern type, date as today or last 7 days or Last 30days or Till date or dates range. Click on the Get button to generate the report.

Step 4: You can export or print the report by clicking on the respective icons on the top right corner of the report.

Step 5: Consolidated report:
Choose location, branches as All or a specific branch, Report type as Consolidated, concern type category, all concern types or a specific concern type, date as today or last 7 days or Last 30days or Till date or date range. Click on the Get button to generate the report.

Step 6: The consolidated report will be generated in the following format. You can export or print the report by clicking on the respective icons on the top right corner of the report.

How to generate TC Requests report?

TC request report can be generated from a system admin login.

To generate the report, please follow the steps mentioned below.

To generate a Consolidate report for the last two academic years

Step 1: Login to MCB with system admin login credentials. Click on Concerns module.

Step 2: Choose Parent Concern Analysis option under Reports menu.

Step 3: Choose the Report Type as Consolidated or detailed, All branches or a specific branch, dates as last 3 months or 6 months or selected date range and click on Get option to generate the report.

Step 4: The report is generated in the following format. Click on Excel icon on the top left corner to export the report to Excel.

To generate a detailed report

Step 5: Choose report type as detailed, all branches or a specific branch, All classes or a specific class, all sections or a specific section, dates range as last 3 months or last 6 months or selected dated ranger and click on Get option to generate the report.

Step 6: The detailed report gives you the detail such as TC number, T type, reasons and sub reasons, TC issues stats and a complete track of remarks updated by people during different stages of TC approval process.

To export the report to excel, click on the icon on the top left corner of the report.