For Vivo Phones

For Vivo Phones

  • Click on ‘Settings’, select ‘More Settings’ and ‘Applications’. Choose ‘Auto-start’ and allow it for MCB App.
  • Click the back button and go to ‘Battery’ under settings. Select ‘High background power consumption’ and enable it for MCB App.
  • Click on recent apps on the top right corner, lock MCB App and quit the app.

Post this, you can also perform Test Notifications on MCB App by following the below steps:

  • Click on ‘Menu’ on the top left of the MCB App screen.
  • Click on ‘e-intercom’. Under ‘Step-1’ click on ‘Test Notification’. You will receive a test in-app notification.

If a Test notification is triggered on your phone, then the notification issue has been resolved.