How to make Report Card URL Settings?

Report Card URL Settings are made to ensure that the report card format set for the school is generated for Term and Evaluation Report Cards. If the same format is being used for all structures available in your school login, you may set the same URL against the structures.

To make the settings, Please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Settings on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Choose Report Card URL settings option under Grade book Settings

Step 3: Please note the structure, Term Report URL and Evaluation Report URL columns.
By default, a standard report card URL is updated against the term and evaluation report cards.
To edit the URL, Click on edit icon against the URL.

Step 4: Make the required changes in the Report card URL and click on the Save button to save the changes.

NOTE: To update the Evaluation Report Card URL, follow the process described in steps 3 and 4.