Post What kind of Email alerts can we schedule for school admin?

Receive a snapshot of important information specific to Organization and Branches without having to login MCB on your Email. MCB Email Alerts provide timely updates on the following areas on a regular/weekly/ Monthly basis for your review. The following types of email alerts we can schedule for the desired email IDs. Organization Email Alerts: Enrollment […]

Post How to use Email Alerts?

How are Email Alerts useful for schools? Receive a snapshot of important information specific to Organization and Branches without having to login MCB on your Email. MCB Email Alerts provide timely updates on the following areas on a regular/weekly/ Monthly basis for your review. Organization Email Alerts: 1. Enrollment review counts: Enquiry / Application Enrollment […]

Post How to take Assessment?

Depending on the settings made at the assessment levels, respective staff can login and take the assessment. To take the assessment, pls follow the steps below. Step 1: Login, Go to HR and chose Staff Assessment under staff details menu. Step 2: Choose the assessment name and level from the drop-down and click on take […]

Post How to Assign Leads?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Login Credentials.Step 2: Select Admissions on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Admissions page. Step 2: Select Admissions on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Admissions page. Step 3: Select “ Leads” in the top bar and choose “Assign Leads to CCE Agent”. […]

Post Payroll?

Step 1: Login to MCB with SysAdmin Login credentials. Step 2: Click on Settings. Step 3: Click on Add Allowances in HR Menu Step 4: Select Branch Name and Click on Get. Step 5: Click on Basic Salary settings and provide Basic Type depends on Organisation( Manual or Percentage ) Step 6: Click on “Create […]