Post My android phone settings are fine, but I am not getting notifications, why?

Notification delivery depends on device settings. Please check for the following: If you have any battery optimizer such as Greenify, Clean Master etc installed please whitelist MCB App in them Please check the phone for MDM (mobile device management) software installed by your company, you would need to get MCB App in allowed apps. Some […]

Page Notifications

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Post I did receive notifications but they are delayed. What is the reason for delay?

Normally push notifications do arrive quite quickly. But there are some rare cases where we’ve seen them get delayed: Delays for notifications on Android Devices: Some home and commercial wifi routers will cause the device’s connection to Google’s FCM/GCM servers to be closed. The device later re-opens the connection and receives the delayed notifications. (Discussed […]

Post How to take Assessment?

Depending on the settings made at the assessment levels, respective staff can login and take the assessment. To take the assessment, pls follow the steps below. Step 1: Login, Go to HR and chose Staff Assessment under staff details menu. Step 2: Choose the assessment name and level from the drop-down and click on take […]

Post How to create Assessment?

Creation of staff assessment and assessment level settings are to be created by the system admin. To create the assessment form and grading scale, pls follow the steps below. Step 1: Login to MCB with system admin level access and click on HR module on the menu bar. Choose Staff Assessment. Step 2: To create […]