Post What kind of Email alerts can we schedule for school admin?

Receive a snapshot of important information specific to Organization and Branches without having to login MCB on your Email. MCB Email Alerts provide timely updates on the following areas on a regular/weekly/ Monthly basis for your review. The following types of email alerts we can schedule for the desired email IDs. Organization Email Alerts: Enrollment […]

Post How to Upload a News Letter

A newsletter is an organized document that can be shared with parents as a letter of communication common to all branches or classes. Ex: School Manual, Parent Handbook, Year-end Newsletter, etc. The newsletter can be uploaded by System admin, principal, and coordinator. To upload the newsletter from System admin login, pls follow the steps mentioned […]

Post How to use Email Alerts?

How are Email Alerts useful for schools? Receive a snapshot of important information specific to Organization and Branches without having to login MCB on your Email. MCB Email Alerts provide timely updates on the following areas on a regular/weekly/ Monthly basis for your review. Organization Email Alerts: 1. Enrollment review counts: Enquiry / Application Enrollment […]