How to add Sibling Account in MCB Parent App?

MCB identifies the students as sibling when the mobile number of Father or Mother are the same in student details.

MCB Parent app shows the siblings by default.

To add sibling accounts, parents need not enter the login credentials.

As we show their accounts by default, they can add or remove them.

To add the sibling Account,
Step 1: Login to MCB Parent app, Click in the options tab on the right corner, Tab on Add sibling option.

Step 2: It will list the student’s names for whom the same mobile number is added in Father or Mother mobile numbers. To add the sibling, tap on the name.

Step 3: To delete the sibling account, tap on the delete icon which is available on the top right corner of the student details.

How to save contacts in Phone Book?

MCB phone book allows you to save important contacts of your organization.

Phone Book feature is available only at the branch level.

To save the contact information, please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB and switch to branch level by clicking on change access level option on the right pane

Step 2: Choose Branch option and access level from the drop-down. Click on the access level name you chose against the branch to switch to the branch level.

Step 3: Click on Home to get the module list and click on visitor management module. You will be taken to the visitor management module.

Step 4: Click on Phone Book under Visitor Management menu.

Step 5: To add the contact, Click on Add button which is available on the top right corner.

Step 6: Enter Name, Mobile Number, Alternate mobile number if any, designation, company name, Remarks and click on Save button to save the contact or cancel button to revert.

Step 7: To edit the contact, Click on Edit icon against the contact.

Step 8: Make the necessary changes and click on the Update button to save the changes or Cancel button to revert.

How to schedule Email and SMS for Parents?

Schedule Email and SMS parents will trigger the Email and SMS as per the schedule you have set with the template you choose. The users need not log in and send it manually when you have the schedule ON.

The option is available only in the system admin level under Communication Alerts for Enterprise Pack subscribers.

To schedule the Email / SMS, please follow the steps mentioned below

Step 1: Log in to MCB with system admin credentials. Switch to communication module by clicking on the Home option on the top right corner.

Step 2: Click on Schedule Email and SMS option under Communication Alerts menu.

Schedule Email:
Step 3: To schedule Email, choose Email Schedule option.

Step 4: To view or Add template, click on a view template option.

Step 5: Click on the +Template option to add a new template

Step 6: Enter the template name, subject line of the email, email body.
You can add the details available in MCB as part of your email body. Choose the field from the drop down, copy the code from merge field and add it in the text. You can attach a video, image, link, table, etc., in the message. Click on Save button to save the email template.

Step 7: To schedule the email, Click on Add Schedule button.

Step 8: Fill in the following details
Enter Schedule name,
Choose parent as user type,
Choose All if you want to schedule the email for all branches or a specific branch,
Choose All classes or a specific class,
Choose All academic years if you wish to send the same email every year or a specific academic year
The select the date on which the email has to be sent
Choose the time slot to define the time to trigger the emails to parents.
Click on Tick mark to save the schedule or Cross marks to cancel.

Step 9: To edit the schedule, click on the Edit icon against the schedule.

Step 10: Make the necessary changes and click on Tick mark to save the changes. Click on cross marks to revert the changes.

Step 11: To delete the schedule, click on delete icon against the schedule.

Step 12: Click on Yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel the deletion.

Schedule SMS:

Step 13: To schedule the SMS, choose SMS schedule option.

Step 14: To view or add a template, click on the View Template option.

Step 15: To add a template, Click on +Template option.

Step 16: Fill in the following details

Enter the template name
Type in the message. If you wish to bind any of the details available in MCB in the message automatically like student name, father name, etc., choose the required field from the drop-down, copy the code shown under copy merge field and paste it in the message at the required place.
Click on Save to save the template.

Step 17: To edit the template, click on Edit icon against the template, make the necessary changes and click on tick mark to save the changes or cross mark to revert the changes.

Step 18: To delete the template, click on delete icon against the template.

Step 19: Click on Yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel the deletion.

Step 20: To add SMS Schedule, click on +Add Schedule button.

Step 21: Fill in the following details
Enter Schedule name,
Choose parent as user type,
Choose All if you want to schedule the SMS for all branches or a specific branch,
Choose All classes or a specific class,
Choose All academic years if you wish to send the same SMS every year or a specific academic year
The select date on which the email has to be sent
Choose the time slot to define the time to trigger the SMS to parents.
Click on Tick mark to save the schedule or Cross marks to cancel.

Please make sure you have SMS balance available as per the schedules.

Step 22: To edit the schedule, click on the Edit icon against the schedule.

Step 23: Make the necessary changes and click on Tick mark to save the changes. Click on cross marks to revert the changes.

Step 24: To delete the schedule, click on delete icon against the schedule.

Step 25: Click on yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel the deletion.

How to use MCB visitor management?

MyClassboard brings a sophisticated, paperless Visitor Management Solution that secures the school premises for the safety of students, staff, visitors and other members.

Manage visitors details along with photos, vehicle details, generate pass though OTP validation and record check in and out time.

Visitor details report gives you comprehensive details in a given date range or month wise.

You can generate the following types of passes:

1. Visitor Slips for Parent Visitors and Outside Visitors
2. Gate passes for students and staff

Email communication is enabled for the following people to keep them informed about the details of the people who are leaving the campus.

1. Student gate pass information will be mailed to point of contact.
2. Staff gate pass information will be mailed to the principal.

To use MCB Visitor management, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Login to MCB, switch to branch level and choose Visitor Management module.

Step 2: Choose visitor details page from Visitor Management menu

You can issue gate pass for parent visitors, outside visitors, students, and staff.
1. Parent Visitors:

Step 3: To issue gate pass for parent visitors, click on “+” sign as highlighted below

Step 4: Choose class & Section and enter student name and click on search

Step 5: Choose who is visiting the campus (Father, Mother, Guardian).

Step 6: To add more visitors in case any other people are visiting the campus along with Father/mother/Guardian and choose the number based on the visitors from the drop down.

Step 7: Enter the name of the visitors and their mobile number in Visitor Info. To Capture the images, click on take snapshot and upload the image.

Step 8: Choose the required option either Student pick up or to meet Administration

Step 9: To the student Pick up, Choose the Remarks and save

Step 10: Click on the print button to print the parent slip.

Step 11: To meet the Administration, Choose to whom to meet, Select the name and remarks and save. We will notify the user through Email.

Step 12: Click on the print button to print the Parent slip.

Step 13: The visitor information dashboard shows you month wise count of the number of visitor slips generated. To get the details, click on the number displaying on the graph.

2.Outside Visitors:
Step 1: To issue gate pass for Outside visitors, click on “+” sign as highlighted below

Step 2: Enter the Visitor name, mobile number, Vehicle Number & email id in Outside Visitors Info.

Step 3: Opt sent to the Registered email id & Mobile number.Enter the OTP to verified

Step 4: You see the Status of the Visitor Whether it is Verified or not. To Capture the images, click on take snapshot and upload the image. Enter the remarks and click on Next.

Step 5: Choose the option here to whom to meet & click on Send for approval.

Step 6: Mobile app notification sent for approval to the user to get the status to know the visitor is allowed/denied or Proceed manually with your Approval

Step 7: Enter the ID card number given to the visitor and Save.

Step 8: Click on the print button to print the visitor slip.

Step 9: The visitor information dashboard shows you month wise count of the number of visitor slips generated. To get the details, click on the number displaying on the graph.

3.Student Gate Pass
Step 1: To issue the gate pass for students go to gate pass information tab, click on “+ sign against the student gate pass

Step 2: Search the student by choosing the option based on the information you have and click on the search button.

Step 3: Fill in the details
1. Choose the person who the student is leaving with from the drop down
2. Enter the reason
3. Permission was given by
4. capture the image, take snapshot and upload
5. Click on save

Note: The point of contact will receive an email when a gate pass is generated with the details of the people their child is going with.

Step 4: Click on the print button to print the Student gate pass.

Step 5: The Gate pass information dashboard shows you month wise count of the number of gate passes generated. To get the details, click on the number displaying on the graph.

Staff Gate Pass
Step 1: To issue gate pass for staff, go to gate pass information tab, click on “+ sign against the staff gate pass

Step 2: Search the staff by choosing the option based on the information you have and click on the search button.

Step 3: Fill in the details
1. Enter permission given by
2. Remarks
3. Capture image, take snapshot and upload
4. Click on Save
Note: The principal of the branch will receive an email when a gate pass is generated with the details of the staff.

Step 4: Click on OK to generate the gate pass.

Step 5: The Gate pass information dashboard shows you month wise count of the number of gate passes generated. To get the details, click on the number displaying on the graph.

Record Exit Time:
Step 1: To record the exit time of visitor slips or gate passes, click on “update gate pass” option

Step 2: Update the Time for which you want to update by clicking on (X) icon

Step 3: update the time as follows and click on Save.

Note: For visitors slips, you will have the option to record the exit time. And for gate passes, you will have the option to record In time.

How to generate the Visitor/Gate Pass Reports?

You can generate the report of Visitor slips and gate passes in the given date range and month wise.

Step 1: Click on Reports option as highlighted below.

Step 2: Select pass type from the drop-down as per your choice.

Step 3: Choose date wise or month wise as per your requirement from the drop down.
If you need date wise, choose date wise and set the date range and click on Get to generate the report.

Step 4: if you need the report month wise, choose month wise, select the month and click on Get.

Step 5: You can export the report to excel by clicking on the icon as shown below

How to check the learning metrics of a student?

Learning metrics of a student can be viewed from the student profile.

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB and click on search icon on the top right corner

Step 2: Choose the filter to search the student as per the user information you have and enter it. Click on search or choose the record that appears in the search results to open the student profile.

Step 3: Click on Learning tab on the left menu.

Step 4: The learning tab shows the following metric on the learning of the selected student.
1. Learning Stage
2. Online Assessments
3. Subjects Learning
4. Learning Log
5. Self Assessments
6. Learning Resources

Step 5: The learning Stage tab shows the progress of learning subject wise. As you click on the subject name, it will list the chapters for which topics are available.
The percentage indicates, how many topics have been covered by the student from the total topics available.
When student completes all topics in a chapter, the chapter box turns Blue.
The chapter box turns yellow soon after student starts covering the topics.
The red color for the chapter box indicates the student has not started learning.

Step 6: The Online Assessment tab shows the list of exams attempted by the student along with results and question paper.

Step 7: To view Results of an exam, pls click on View Results tab against the exam.

Step 8: You can view the result of the exam as follows. You may print the same by clicking on the print icon which is available on the top left corner.

Step 9: To view question paper of the exam, click on Question paper option against the exam name.

Step 10: The question paper appears as shown below. You can print it by clicking on the print icon available on the top left corner.

Step 11: To view subject wise learning, click on Subject wise learning tab. By default All subjects are listed. To view subject specific learning, choose the subject from drop down.

Step 12: Please note the number of resources available for a topic right against the topic name. As students visits the resources, it shows the count of visits for each resource / no of resources available.

Step 13: To view the learning log, Select All Subjects or a specific subject, dates range and click on Get.

Step 14: It shows the list of resources accessed by students specifying the date and time. We can clearly understand how many times and at what time and on which date the student used the resources.

Step 15: Self assessments tab lists the chapters for which the self assessments are created along with the status of students attempts.

Click on View Result tab against the tab to view the results of the self assessment of the chapter. Yet to attempt says that the student has not attempted the self assessment of the chapter yet.

Step 16: The result of the assessment is displayed as follows. Export the result to Excel by clicking on the excel icon present on the top left corner.

Step 17: The learning records tab shows the subjects syllabus coverage if school chooses to use learning based assessment.
Learning based Assessment: Teacher grades the student against the topic. When it is recorded, the learning record shows the no of topics assessed by the teacher versus the available topics. The percentage is calculated based on the assessed topic / available topics * 100.

How can staff view their announcements ?

The announcement made to the staff can be viewed in their respective logins.

Step 1: Login to MCB and click on the Home button on the top right corner.

Step 2: Click on the Communication module. You will be directed to the communication module.

Step 3: Click on My Announcement option under Others menu.

Step 4: The announcements are listed showing the details of the user [who created], announcement title, attachment, and date on which the announcement is made.

Step 5: To view the announcement, click on the announcement title.

Step 6: Note the Announcement title, date, description, and attachment.