How to view Front Office DashBoard?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Admissions on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Admissions page.

Step 3: Select “Reports” on the top bar and choose “Front Office DashBoard”.

Step 4: Select the required options Date range, Report type, Academic year click on Get. The report is displayed. You may export the same to excel by clicking on the “Export Excel” option.

How to create PRO?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Admissions on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Admissions page.

Step 3: Select “Front Office” on the top bar and choose “Create PRO”.

Step 4: Then click on ADD PRO

Step 5: Enter all the details & then click on add

Step 6: PRO is successfully created & it is displayed.

How to create RTE/EWS Admission Form?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Admissions on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Admissions page.

Step 3: Select “Front Office” on the top bar and choose “RTE/EWS Admission Form”.

Step 4: Keep entering the details of the student in every page as displayed (Student Details, Other Details, Student Parent Details, Address Details, Fee Assign & Finish) and click “Next” till all the data is included.

Step 5: Your RTE/EWS Admission form is created Successfully.

How to create Pre-Admission Announcements?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Admissions on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Admissions page.

Step 3: Select “Front Office” on the top bar and choose “Pre-Admission Announcements”.

Step 4: Click on add Announcements

Step 5: Enter all the details, If any files click on choose files & then save Announcement. Pre-Admission Announcement created Successfully.

How to create Registration Form?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Admissions on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Admissions page.

Step 3: Select “Front Office” on the top bar and choose “Registration Form”.

Step 4: Then search by Application No or student name or with mobile number and then search.

Step 5: Enter all the details & then click on Save. Your registration form is successfully created.

How to Send SMS & Email?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Admissions on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Admissions page.

Step 3: Select “Front Office” on the top bar and choose “Send SMS & EMAIL”.

Step 4: If you want to Send SMS/Mail for Open enquires (Application not taken), Application took (Not at admitted), Applications taken (Admitted), Select any of the statuses which is in the left corner, corner.

Step 5: Select Academic year, Branch, Status, Select type SEND SMS/EMAIL & Class and then click on GET Students

Step 6: If we select the type as SMS, we will get students data & Enter the message then click on Send SMS.SMS will be sent to the students successfully.

Step 7: If we select the type as Mail, we will get students data & Enter the details then click on Send. The email will be sent to the students successfully.