How to Add Parent Bank Account details?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Principal login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Academics on the top bar of the dashboard.

Step 3: Select Enrollments and choose “Parent Bank Account Details ”.

Step 4: Select Class.

Step 5: After Selecting Class, Click on Get.

Step 6: Then Give the Name as Per Bank Details, Bank Name, Account Name, IFSC Code and Relation to the student.

Step 7: After giving required information, click on check box.

How to add students to student groups ?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Principal login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Academics on the top bar of the dashboard.

Step 3: Select Enrollments and choose “Student Groups”.

Step 4: Click on the particular group and click on  + Option.

Step 5 : Select Bulk Assign Groups to Students.

Step 6 : After choosing the required Class, click on Get.

Step 7: Select all students and group’s name to which you want to add students.

Step 8: After selecting group, click on Bulk Assign.

Step 9: The Students are added successfully.

How to Generate Student Profile Cards ?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Principal login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Academics on the top bar of the dashboard

Step 3: Select Enrollments and choose “Student Profile Cards”.

Step 4: Select Particular Class and Section

Step 5: After choosing the required Class and Section click on “Get”.

Step 6: The Profiles are displayed. You may print the same by clicking on the Print option.

How to Create Code of conduct?

Step 1: Login with system admin credentials and switch to the new version.

Step 2: Click on “Home” on the top bar of the dashboard( Please find it next to the user profile picture).

Step 3: Choose Others

Step 4: Select “Code of Conduct” tab and choose “Create code of Conduct” under it.

Step 5: Click on “Add Discipline” icon.

Step 6: Now add the required category Name & Short Code & save it.

Step 7: For above added category, add Sub Category Name & Give marks to be deducted to the sub Category.

Step 8: Submit the details in the page and click on save.

How to Enter Student Anecdotes ?

You can record specific observations of a class or individual student’s behaviour, skills, attitudes & areas to improve and report it to the parents through MCB.

Anecdotes entry can happen through school admin login and teacher login.

Please follow the steps below to use anecdotes [school admin login]:

Step 1: Login to MCB and switch to branch by changing the access level.

Step 2: Select Academics on the menu.

Step 3: Click on Enrollments and Choose Anecdotes Entry.

Step 4: To create Anecdote type, Click on Manage Anecdotes.

Step 5: After Selecting Add, Give Anecdote Name, Select Type(Positive or Needs Work) and upload preferred image[optional] and then save.
Positive: This denotes the anecdote in a positive view.
Needs Work: This denotes the anecdote which is the area of concern or needs attention.

Step 6: To give Anecdotes for a particular category, chose the type from the drop-down and click get.

Step 7: Anecdotes can be entered student wise and a common anecdote for the entire class.
To Give Anecdotes to individual Student, Click on the count against the Term.

Step 8: Click on + Symbol against the student to add anecdote and then save.

Step 9: To Upload student wise in bulk, Click on Bulk Upload. Download the format and enter the anecdotes against each student and upload it back to MCB. Please don’t change the enrollment codes and file format to avoid errors while uploading the file.

Step 10: To Give Anecdotes in Common for the entire section, Click on the count under Common against the class , section and Term.

Step 11: Click on Add and give the anecdote it will be saved for all students in the section.

Step 12: To generate a consolidated report of Anecdotes, Click on Report.

You can generate the report of all classes or a specific class at a time.

Teacher login: The procedure for anecdotes entry is same as mentioned above. Please note that teacher gets access to the classes which are assigned to her.

Parent login:

You can enable or disable anecdotes view for Parents from the school admin login through organize menus option in the settings tab.

Upon enabling, it will show the student anecdotes as follows in parent login.

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Nullam commodo, libero non porta hendrerit, urna lorem faucibus erat, accumsan efficitur massa sem nec purus. Vivamus id consequat augue. Etiam convallis mi leo, sit amet posuere quam vestibulum vel. Sed ornare efficitur felis, eget gravida dolor fermentum nec. Suspendisse in suscipit mauris. Duis et urna placerat, dictum massa non, porta mauris. Integer sit amet laoreet velit, vitae ornare eros. Donec tempus semper urna vel hendrerit. Sed facilisis nulla a tincidunt malesuada. Donec quis nibh vitae justo tempor lobortis. Integer sed ipsum ultrices, consectetur dui id, varius risus. Phasellus nec lorem in mi venenatis auctor eu quis est. Pellentesque at magna tempor, ullamcorper massa non, interdum augue.

Morbi eu malesuada purus, at suscipit mauris. Duis accumsan elementum sem, non porta purus vulputate mattis. Sed rutrum id metus non dignissim. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin et ultricies nisi. Cras mollis enim in quam pharetra, sit amet placerat ligula dapibus. Aliquam sed luctus leo, id maximus odio. Cras consequat sapien vel augue fermentum, eget facilisis dui commodo. Phasellus at augue mattis leo vestibulum fermentum ut id orci. Donec a cursus diam. Vivamus augue felis, aliquam eget porta vitae, pulvinar ut nulla. Phasellus mollis neque quis tincidunt blandit. Vestibulum suscipit sit amet nisi sed porttitor. Vestibulum sed dolor sapien.

Suspendisse bibendum orci ut nisi faucibus fringilla. Sed nec pretium leo, ut placerat mi. Donec ornare ultricies pharetra. Pellentesque sagittis volutpat egestas. Quisque elementum lacus nec erat vestibulum ultrices quis vel dui. Morbi ut nisi ligula. Cras aliquam finibus dolor, at feugiat purus molestie eget. Curabitur eu tellus molestie, auctor ligula eu, malesuada sapien. Etiam nec hendrerit leo.