Yes, you can enable or disable the academic years as per your organization.
Path: Settings / Organisation/ AcademicYear Mapping
Yes, you can enable or disable the academic years as per your organization.
Path: Settings / Organisation/ AcademicYear Mapping
You can create academic months in common for all branches or specific to branch.
Path: Settings / Academics / Academic year Settings
Yes, you can set the specific academic year as a default year as per your preference. When it is set, the respective year’s data would be shown in the school login. Users can always switch to any other years that are enabled.
Path: Settings / Academics / Academic year Settings
The Email that is defined in the settings is used as From Email when an email is sent from the MCB System.
School can add Email Id against the following types as per its preference at a global level or branch level. Please note that, if email ids are not saved against the branch, organization email ids are considered.
1. General
2. Finance
3. Academic Information
4. Staff Attendance
5. Admissions
6. Communication
7. Visitor Management
The Email address that is saved against the General Category is used in common for sending email from MCB from any module when there are no specific email ids saved against the other categories.
You can also add the specific Signature against each of the category.
Path: Settings / Academics / Email settings
Using the Student Segment feature, a school can group students into different segments such as RTE, General, Lateral, etc.
School can assign the students to the segments and use it for Fee collections, generating student reports specific to the segments.
Path: Settings / Academics / Create Student Segments
Yes, you can map specific fee types for generating Income Tax Certificate. When you map the fee types and provide the Fee type header, the system would automatically calculate the total fee that could be claimed for filing Income tax by the parent with the name that is set under Fee type header.
Path: Settings / Academics / Income Tax Fee Settings