How to send Login Details?

Video Tutorial

How to send Login Details?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Communication on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Communication page.

Step 3: Click on “SMS” on the top bar and select “Send SMS”.

Step 4: Click on “Select Login Details”,Select the branch,User type ( Staff/Student/Parent), Classes,Sections & Student type then click on Get Users.

Step 5: There are 4 different SMS Formats in MCB.

Format 1: In this SMS Format, Login details (Username & password) will be sent along with the WebURL.

Format 2: In this SMS Format, Login details (Username & password) will be sent along with the Mobile App link which helps to download the app for both Android and IOS users.

Format 3: In this SMS Format, Login details (Username & password) will be sent along with the Android Mobile App link (only) which helps to download the application by Android Users. Please note that this format includes the message “IOS Version will be released soon”.

Format 4: In this SMS Format, Login details with Alias Username & password will be sent along with the WebURL.

Step 6: Select any of the Format, If you want to send SMS for Selected Students then select “For Selected Students Only” option & then select the students or you can select ALL students then Click on Review and Send. Login Details Sent Successfully.


How to Send Marks to Students?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Principal login credentials.

Step 2: Select “Home” on the right-hand top corner.

Step 3: Select Communication. You’ll be directed to the “Communication” page.

Step 4: Click on “SMS” on the top bar and select “Send Marks to Students”.

Step 5: Choose your required options here and click on “Send SMS”.

The SMS is sent.

Note: If you’re already logged in with System Admin, change the access to Principal.

How to send SMS to Class group students?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Admin login credentials.

Step 2: Select “Home” on the right-hand top corner.

Step 3: Select Communication. You’ll be directed to the “Communication” page.

Step 4: Click on “SMS” on the top bar and select “Send SMS”.

Step 5: Click on “SMS to Class Group Students” and choose your required options here to continue.

Step 6: Enter the message here and click on “Send SMS”.

The SMS is sent.

How to check SMS balance & recharge history?

Check SMS Balance: 

Step 1: Login to MCB with Admin or Principal login credentials.

Step 2: The home page or dashboard consists an SMS column displaying SMS count, SMS balance and SMS cost.

Step 3: You can view the SMS Balance here.

To view recharge history:

Click on “Recharge Now” button in the SMS column.

Click on “Past History” to view the history of recharges

How do I recharge SMS?

SMS recharge is now more convenient & easy.  You may now recharge the SMS yourselves by following the steps below:

Step 1: Login with Principal credentials.

Step 2: Click “+Recharge Now” button on the top right corner of the Dashboard screen.

Step 3: Select the SMS plan as required and click “Recharge Now”.

Step 4: Select the card, enter the card details and make the payment.

Step 5: SMS recharge done!

How to send SMS to Zero Paid Students?

Video Tutorial

How to Send SMS to Zero Paid Students?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Admin login credentials.

Step 2: Select “Home” on the right-hand top corner.

Step 3: Select Communication. You’ll be directed to the “Communication” page.

Step 4: Click on “SMS” on the top bar and select “Send Fee Due SMS”.

Step 5: Click on “Send SMS to Zero Paid Students” and choose your required options here to continue.

Step 6: Select the check box against students, enter message and click on “Send SMS”.

Step 7: The SMS is sent to the selected students.