Schools can schedule SMS and Email on a specific date and time with a specific template.
Path: Communication Module / Communication Alerts / Schedule SMS/Email
Schools can schedule SMS and Email on a specific date and time with a specific template.
Path: Communication Module / Communication Alerts / Schedule SMS/Email
WhatsApp Alerts feature enables the following
Path: Communication Module / WhatsApp
Learning League feature enables the Parents/Students to collaborate in one group to express their opinion on the given topic in the form of likes and comments.
This feature promotes peer learning in academic and non-academic areas.
Students are exposed to different perceptions on a given topic by debating on the topic given and participate in group discussions. Parents can also participate and help students to extend their learning and set a direction to students thinking.
Path: Communication Module / Discussions / Learning League
Staff can have conversations on different topics without student’s and parent’s presence. It can be used as an alternative option for private WhatsApp groups maintained by parents, students, and Staff.
The group is moderated by the school admin and the conversations are supervised by the teachers and school admin.
Path: Communication Module / Discussions / Staff Work place
Open the admissions for the academic year by clicking the checkbox against the academic year under the Pre-admission academic year column. The selected academic years will be available in enquiry, application and admission forms.
Open the admission process for the academic year in the Academic year mapping settings page.
Path: Settings / Admissions / Enquiry Settings
Yes, you can define the admission process based on your school’s admission policy
Select the checkbox to enable the stages of the pre-admission phase.
Set the sequence to the stages to follow during the admission process.
Mark the stage as mandatory / Non-mandatory. Please note that the mandatory stages cannot be skipped to complete the admission.
For example, if your schools follow the admission flow as Enquiry, application, and admission and do not follow pre-admission and Registration stages, enable only Enquiry, application and admission stages.
5 step process :
1. Enquiry -> Application -> Pre Admission Exam -> Registration -> Admission
4 step process:
1. Enquiry -> Application -> Pre Admission Exam-> Admission
2. Enquiry -> Application -> Registration-> Admission
3 step process:
1. Enquiry -> Application -> Admission
2. Application -> Pre Admission Exam-> Admission
3. Application -> Registration -> Admission
Enable the admission stages in Enquiry settings page.
Path: Settings / Admissions / Enquiry Settings