What is the use of Scholastic Subject Skills Grade Indicator?

When a school wants to display the grade description differently for each grade entered for subject skill, this feature allows the user to save the description against each grade. So, as you map the subject skill to the test and enter the grade, in the report card the description saved against the grade can be shown. Best suited for rubric-based reporting.

How to use it?

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB with System Admin credentials

Step 2: Click on Grade Book menu on the top menu bar.

Step 3: You will be redirected to the Gradebook module. Choose Scholastic Subject Skills Grade Indicator option under Grade Book Menu.

Step 4: Choose Branch, Structure, Part, Class, Subject and Click on Show to get the list of subject skills created for the selected subject.

Step 5: Click on Edit icon Against the sub-skills for which you would like to enter the grade description.

Step 6: Enter description for all grades, Click on Save icon to Save the description and Cross icon to cancel the entry.

How to make co scholastic sub skills term specific?

When a school offers different co-scholastic sub-skills in each term, you can assign them to the terms and enter grades for the same.

For example, a school is offering 10 sports activities, out of which 5 activities are offered in term 1 and remaining in term 2. In that case, to display activities pertaining to term, this feature helps schools to assign those activities to the respective terms. So, teachers do not feel difficulty while assigning the activities chosen by the student and enter grades.

To assign sub-skills to terms, pls follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB with System Admin credentials

Step 2: Click on Grade Book menu on the top menu bar.

Step 3: You will be redirected to the Grade book module. Choose Co-Scholastic Sub Skills Assign option under Grade Book Menu.

Step 4: Choose Location, Branch, Structure, Co-Scholastic Part, Co-Scholastic Skill under which different sub-skills are offered, the Term to which the sub-skills are to be assigned and click Get to get the list of sub-skills available.

Step 5: Please find two tabs called Assigned sub-skills and unassigned sub-skills. By default, the active tab is assigned sub-skills.

Step 6: To Un-Assigned the sub-skills for the term, choose assigned sub-skills tab, select the skills which you would like to un-assign for the term and click on the Unassign button.

Step 7: To Assign the sub-skills for the term, choose Un-Assigned sub-skills tab, select the skills which you would like to assign for the term and click on the Assign button.

Note: In assign co-scholastic skills and enter co-scholastic grades screen, only the above-assigned subskills would appear instead of displaying all sub-skills created under a co-scholastic skill. So that teachers can assign the specific sub-skills chosen by the students and enter grades for the same.

To use this feature, please make sure the co-scholastic part is enabled with “sub-skill assigning” option while creating the part.

What is the use of Co-Scholastic Activity Master and How to use it?

What is the use of Co-Scholastic Activity Master?

When a school conducts different activities with specific parameters under each Subskill of a Co-Scholastic Skill, grades can be saved for all the parameters of each activity assigned to students.

For Example, As part of Work Education, School conducts various activities like first aid, Family budget, Traffic rules under different a category called self-help Activity.

Let’s take First aid activity, the student is assessed against the parameters like Self-reliance and Helpfulness, Participate in Work, Understanding work skills, etc with a particular weightage.

In the above scenario, you can define Work education as A Co-Scholastic Skill, Self-help as Co-Scholastic subskill, First Aid as an Activity, Self-reliance, and Helpfulness, Participate in Work, Understanding work skills are the parameters.

Once you define the above at system admin level, you need to switch to branch level and assign the Co scholastic skills to students and enter marks for activities.

How to use it?

Step 1: Login to MCB with System Admin credentials

Step 2: Click on Grade Book menu on the top menu bar.

Step 3: You will be redirected to the Grade book module. Choose Co-Scholastic Skills and SubSkills option under Grade Book Menu.

Step 4: Choose the structure and create Co Scholastic Skill and respective Sub Skills.

Step 5: Choose Co Scholastic Activity Master under Grade Book Menu.

Step 6: Choose Branch, Grade, Structure, term, co-scholastic part, co-scholastic skill and sub-skill for which you would like to create the activity master and define the parameters. Click get to get the available list. To add the activity, Click on Add Coscholastic Activity option.

Step 7: Enter Activity Name, Title and Click on Save.

Step 8: To add the parameters to the activity, Click on + sign against the activity name.

Step 9: Enter Parameter Name. Max marks and clicks on Save.

Step 10: Switch to branch level, and choose Assign Co-Scholastic Skills option under Grade Book menu.
Assign the skills chosen by the students.

Step 11: Choose Coscholastic Activity master to enter marks for activities against the parameters set.

Step 12: Choose Class & Section, Term, Coscholastic part, Skill, Sub skill, Activity name and click on Get.

Step 13: Enter marks and click on Tick mark to save or Cross marks to cancel the entry.

How to update Term Percentage?

The percentages set to terms are used when there is a specific weight needs to be considered for each term in the overall report card.

Term percentages can be updated from system admin and branch logins.

Please follow the steps mentioned below to update the term percentages.

Step 1: Login to MCB with System Admin credentials

Step 2: Click on Grade Book menu on the top menu bar.

Step 3: Choose Term Percentages option under Grade Book Menu.

Step 4: Choose Branch, Structure name and click on Search button to get the list of terms created.

Step 5: Enter Percentage against each term and Click on Save button.

How enter Subject wise Reflections?

Subject wise Reflections can be entered from Principal, Class teacher and Subject teacher login.

Users can enter grades and remarks reflection type or reflection sub type wise.

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Subject wise Reflection Entry option under Grade Book.

Step 5: Reflections can be entered in two ways, I.e. Reflection wise or Student wise and Reflection or Sub Reflection wise with grade and remarks entry.

Users can choose to enter only grade or only remarks based on their requirement.

To enter reflection wise with Grade and Remarks, Choose Reflection type option, Reflection type from the drop-down, mode of entry as Reflection type, select remarks and grade options and click on Get button to get the list of students.

Step 6: Enter Reflection Remarks against the student name, choose grade and click on tick mark to save.

Step 7: To Edit the reflection remarks and Grade, Click on Edit icon.

Step 8: Make the necessary changes in the remarks and Grade and click on tick mark to save or cross marks to cancel the changes.

Step 9: To delete remarks and grade of a reflection, click on the delete icon.

Step 10: Click on Yes, Delete it! Option to proceed with the deletion and Cancel to revert.

Step 11: To enter Sub reflection wise with Grade and Remarks, Choose Reflection type option, Reflection type from the drop-down, mode of entry as Sub Reflection type, select remarks and grade options and click on Get button to get the list of students.

Step 12: Enter Remarks and grade against the sub reflection. Click on tick mark to save.

Step 13: To Edit the Sub reflection remarks and Grade, Click on Edit icon.

Step 14: Make the required changes in Remarks and grade. Click on tick mark to save the changes or cross marks to revert.

Step 15: To delete remarks and grade of a sub reflection, click on the delete icon.

Step 16: Click on Yes, Delete it! Option to proceed with the deletion and Cancel to revert.

Student wise Reflection entry:

Step 17: To enter Reflection for a Student with remarks and grade, choose Student wise option, a student from the drop-down, mode of entry as Reflection type, select remarks and grade options and click on Get button to get the list of students.

Step 18: Enter the remarks, grade and click on tick mark to save the remarks and grade for the reflection type.

Step 19: To edit the remarks and grade of a reflection type repeat steps 7 & 8.
To delete the remarks and grade of a reflection type repeat the steps 9 & 10.

Step 20: To enter Sub Reflection for a Student with remarks and grade, choose Student wise option, a student from the drop-down, mode of entry as Reflection type, select remarks and grade options and click on Get button to get the list of students.

Step 21: Enter the remarks, grade and click on tick mark to save the remarks and grade for the sub reflection type.

Step 22: To edit the remarks and grade of a reflection type repeat steps 13 & 14.
To delete the remarks and grade of a reflection type repeat the steps 15 & 16.

How to upload signatures for report card?

This feature allows you to enter the name and upload signature of the class teacher, class head and Principal.

These are inserted in the report card formats as digital signatures.

You can upload them at a branch level only. Please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on Grade Book option on the Menu bar.

Step 4: To update Principal Name and Signature, Click on Edit under Principal Name and Upload under Principal Signature.

Step 5: Enter the Principal Name and Click on Save. Since Principal role is common across all classes, once you add a name, it is considered for all classes.

Step 6: To upload Principal Signature, Click on Choose file and choose the signature picture from your computer. Please note that the signature is in the prescribed size and measurements. Once you choose the signature, Click the upload button.

NOTE: Class head Signature is common across the section for a class. Upload the signature and name once, it will update for all sections of the class.

Class Teacher’s Signature and Name is updated at a section level only. If the same class teacher repeats for different sections, we need to upload the signature and name against the respective sections

To update the Name and Signature of a Class head and Class Teacher, please follow the steps described for the principal name and signature upload.

Step 7: To import the Signatures from previous Academic year, Click on Import Signatures form Previous Year option.

Step 8: Choose the Academic Year from which you would like to copy the signature and select the Signature types and Click on Import Signatures option.