My school has less number of fields and different fields in teaching plan when compared to MCB’s default plan. What can I do in this case?

MCB has an option for you to choose the specific number of fields and give your school’s specific name to the field. The fields that are activated and the names that are given for each field only would appear for teachers while updating the teaching plan.

Path: Settings / Academics / Choose Teaching Plan Fields

We provide a pre-defined teaching plan that is designed by the academic team of our school. But, it has to be reviewed by the branch’s academic head or Principal before it is made available for teachers. Is it possible?

Yes, You can enable the Master Plan option for all the branches or specific branches. So, the supervisor (branch’s academic head or Principal) will have to review the plan entered by the academic team and approve to make it available for teachers.

Path: Settings / Academics / Teaching Plan Settings

What is the procedure to use teaching plan feature?

Method 1

System Admin / Branch Principal / Coordinator users:

Step 1: Create Subjects for each class

Step 2: Create Chapters and Topics for a subject

Step 3: Create a teaching plan with the details like Title, no of periods, From date and To date for completion against each chapter.

Step 4: Topic plan creation

Principal/Coordinator: This step is mandatory when you enable the Master plan setting.

Step 5: Approve the topic plan created to make it available for the teacher upon reviewing the plan.

Note: If the setting is not enabled, Step 5 is not mandatory.

Subject teachers:

Step 6: Check the plan details and if required, Change the teaching plan details like Class Work, Homework, Resources used, what worked well, what didn’t work well, percentage of completion against a period.

Step 7: Generate the report.

Principal / Coordinator: This step is not mandatory when the Master Plan setting is not made. If the setting is enabled, the step wouldn’t be applicable.

Step 8: Provide feedback on the topic plan submitted by teachers.

System Admin:

Step 9: Generate a teaching plan report.

Method 2

System Admin / Branch Principal / Coordinator users:

Step 1: Create Subjects for each class

Step 2: Create Chapters and Topics for a subject

Step 3: Create a teaching plan with the details like Title, no of periods, From date and To date for completion against each chapter.

Subject teachers:

Step 4: Update the teaching plan with details like Class Work, Homework, Resources used, what worked well, what didn’t work well, the percentage of completion against a period.

Step 5: Generate the report.

Principal/Coordinator: This step is mandatory when you enable the setting.

Step 6: Approve the topic plan created to make it available for the teacher upon reviewing the plan.

System Admin:

Step 7: Generate a teaching plan report.