Test wise report card is generated only when a common skill is mapped to tests. Based on the skills mapping, the result is grouped and shown on the report card.
Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.
Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.
Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.
Step 4: Choose Bulk Test Wise Report Card option under the Reports menu.
Step 5: Choose Class, Section, term, Evaluation name, Scholastic Skill and Click on Get Report Cards.
Step 6: The report card is generated by grouping the tests results based on the skill mapped of an evaluation.
Click on Print Report card button available on the top left corner to print the report cards.
Please note that, if the scholastic skill is not mapped to the test or tests, the testwise report card cannot be generated.