How to create Test & enter Marks?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Principal login credentials.

Step 2: If you’re already logged in with System Admin credentials, change access to “Principal” level. (Click on user profile picture in the right corner – change access level – click on principal against the respective branch).

Step 3: Select Gradebook. You’ll be directed to the “Gradebook” page.

Step 4: Click on “Gradebook” on the top bar and select “Test Creation”.

Step 5: Select Scholastic/Co-Scholastic ——> Select Class, Section, Subject, Term, Evaluations and click on “Get Tests”.

Step 6: Click on “Add” symbol and you’ll be directed to a “Test Creation Page”.

Step 7: Entering the required details here and click on “Save”. The Test is created successfully.

Marks Entry

After the test creation, click on any of the tests created to upload the marks.

Step 8: Select any Test and click on “Marks Entry”.

Step 9: Enter the marks of students individually here and click on “Update Marks”. The marks are updated.

Bulk Entry of Marks

Step 10: Click on “Upload Marks”.

Step 11: Choose File ——> Upload to Validate.

How to Enter Subject wise Remarks?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Principal login credentials.

Step 2: If you’re already logged in with System Admin credentials, change access to “Principal” level. (Click on user profile picture in the right corner – change access level – click on principal against the respective branch).

Step 3: Select Gradebook. You’ll be directed to the “Gradebook” page.

Step 4: Click on “Gradebook” on the top bar and select “Subject-wise remarks”.

Step 5: Select Class, Term, Evaluation, Subject and click on “Get Student Remarks”.

Step 6: Select Student, enter the remarks individually and click on Save.

How to enter Class Teacher Remarks

Step 1: Login to MCB with Principal login credentials.

Step 2: If you’re already logged in with System Admin credentials, change access to “Principal” level. (Click on user profile picture in the right corner – change access level – click on Principal against the respective branch).

Step 3: Select Gradebook on the top bar of the dashboard. You’ll be directed to the “Gradebook” page.

Step 4: Click on “Gradebook” on the top bar and select “Student Remarks”.

Step 5: Select Class, Section, Term, Evaluation, Subject, Custom/Common message and click on “Get Students”.

Step 6: Select “Create/View Remark Details”. Now select any Student, enter the remarks individually and click on Save.

Step 7: If you want to upload the remarks in bulk, simply select “Upload Remark Details”. Click on “Choose File” to upload a “.csv” file format.

How to Enter Student Health Details ?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Principal login credentials.

Step 2: If you’re already logged in with System Admin credentials, change access to “Principal” level. (Click on user profile picture in the right corner – change access level – click on principal against the respective branch).

Step 3: Select Gradebook. You’ll be directed to the “Gradebook” page.

Step 4: Click on “Gradebook” on the top bar and select “Student Health Details”.

Step 5: Select Class, Term, and other required options and click on “Get Students”.

Step 6: Select Student, enter the health details individually and click on Save.

How to map Subjects?

Step 1: Login to MCB with SysAdmin login credentials.

Step 2: Select “Gradebook” on the top bar on the dashboard page. You’ll be directed to the “Gradebook” page.

Step 3: Click on “Gradebook” on the top bar and select “Structure Creation”.

Step 4: Select Subjects Mapping —–> Select Class.

Step 5: Select any subject in the mentioned list and click on “Assign Subject” to assign the same.

Step 6: To un-assign, the subjects, click on the un-assign option shown beside.

How to create Subjects?

Step 1: Login to MCB with SysAdmin login credentials.

Step 2: Select “Gradebook” on the top bar on the dashboard page. You’ll be directed to the “Gradebook” page.

Step 3: Click on “Gradebook” on the top bar and select “Structure Creation”.

Step 4: Select “Subjects” and now select any Class for which you want to create Subjects.

Step 5: Select any language and click on “Add Language” to add/create a new language.

Step 6: Create the language by giving the subject name, code and other necessary details. Click on “Save”. The language is created.

General Subjects

Step 7: Select General/Group Subjects and click on “Add General/Group subjects”.

Step 8: Create the subject by giving the subject name, code and other necessary details. Click on “Save”. The general/group subject is created.