How to generate Term wise Analysis Report?

The Term wise Analysis Report will help you to analyze the result of selected evaluations and Subjects of a term and all terms together.

To generate the report, please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Student Term wise Analysis option under the Analysis menu.

Step 5: Choose Class & Section, All terms or a specific term, All evaluations or a specific evaluation, Subject type as Academic Subjects or Non-Academic Subjects, Under subjects All subjects or specific subjects and click on Show Report.

Step 6: Click on Excel icon to export the report to excel file.

How to read the report?

Single Term:
Case 1:
When a single evaluation is selected, the sum of tests scores is brought to the Evaluation cutoff percentage and is shown under Evaluation Weightage column for each subject. The Evaluation grade is calculated based on the evaluation percentage obtained.

When multiple evaluations are selected, It will repeat the above process for all the evaluations for each subject selected.

Subject Weightage: Sum of All evaluation weightages.
Subject Grade: Based on the subject percentage.

Case 2: with Scholastic Skills mapping:
When a single evaluation is selected, it will list the tests scores mapped to the scholastic skills and the sum of tests scores is brought to the Evaluation cutoff percentage and shown under the Evaluation weightage column for each subject. The Evaluation grade is calculated based on the evaluation percentage obtained.
When multiple evaluations are selected, It will repeat the above process for all the evaluations for each subject selected.

Subject Weightage: Sum of All evaluation weightages.
Subject Grade: Based on the subject percentage.

Case 3: with Exam types mapping
When a single evaluation is selected, the sum of tests scores is brought to the Exam type cutoff percentage and evaluation cutoff percentage and shown under Exam type weightage column and Evaluation Weightage column respectively for each subject. The Evaluation grade is calculated based on the evaluation percentage obtained.

When multiple evaluations are selected, It will repeat the above process for all the evaluations for each subject selected.
Subject Weightage: Sum of All evaluation weightages.
Subject Grade: Based on the subject percentage.

Case 4: with Scholastic skills and Exam types mapping
When a single evaluation is selected, it will list the tests scores mapped to the scholastic skills and the sum of tests scores is brought to the Exam type cutoff percentage and the evaluation percentage and shown under respective weightage columns for each subject. The Evaluation grade is calculated based on the evaluation percentage obtained.

When multiple evaluations are selected, It will repeat the above process for all the evaluations for each subject selected.

Subject Weightage: Sum of All evaluation weightages.
Subject Grade: Based on the subject percentage.
Total Weightage: Sum of all subjects evaluation weightages obtained.
Total Percentage: Obtained total weightage / Total Weightage of all evaluations * 100.
Grade: Based on the Total percentage obtained.
All Terms:
When All terms option is selected, it will list the tests scores mapped to the scholastic skills, Sum of test scores is brought to Examtype cutoff percentage and Evaluation cutoff Percentage and are displayed under respective columns.

Overall Subject Weightage: Sum of all Subjects weightage obtained in all terms
Overall Subject Percentage: Overall Subject weightage obtained / Max. Marks of Overall subjects weightage * 100
Overall Subject Grade: Based on the overall subject percentage obtained.
Term Total: Sum of all subjects weightage of the term
Term Percentage: Term total obtained / Max. Marks of term * 100
Term Grade: Based on Term Percentage Obtained.
Overall Marks: Sum of all Subjects weightage of all terms
Overall Percentage: Overall marks Obtained / Max. Marks of Overall Marks * 100
Overall Grade: Based on the Overall Percentage Obtained.

How to generate Teacher wise Analysis Report?

Teacher Wise Analysis Report will help you to analyze how a teacher is performing based on the tests scores of the section he/she is teaching. As we choose the multiple evaluations, we can also compare the performance of the students between the evaluations to understand the consistency of the section’s result.

The report gives you grade wise students count as per the grading scale set. You can clearly analyze the performance of the section against the percentage ranges set in the grading scale and plan the corrective measures required.

Top Students:
The Top student’s report will display the student records in Descending order based on the total marks scored in the selected subjects and evaluations. It will help you filter the section wise toppers easily.

To generate the report, please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose a Teacher wise Analysis option under the Analysis menu.

Step 5: Choose Class & Section, Term, All Evaluations or a specific Evaluation, subject, Staff name and click on Show Report.

Step 6: Click on the Excel option to export the report.

Top Students:
Step 7: Choose Student type as All or Active or Inactive, Class, Section, Report type as Academics, Subjects type as Academic Subjects or Non-Academic Subjects, Specific Subject, Term, All Evaluations or a specific Evaluation and Click on Get.

Step 8: Click on Excel Icon to export or Print icon to print the report.

How to generate Subject and Class wise Analysis?

To generate the report, please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Subject and Class wise Analysis option under the Analysis menu.

Step 5: Choose Class, All Sections or a specific section, term, Evaluation, All subjects or a specific subject, format as Format 1 or Format 2 and Click on Show Report.

Step 6: Click on the Excel option available on the top left corner to export the file.

How to read the report?

Format 1:
Step 1: Based on the Term Exam Type Calculation settings made, the result will be brought to the exam type percentage.

Note: If Exam type settings are not available, the system will consider the calculation settings as SUM by default.

Step 2: The obtained Exam type percentage is further brought to the evaluation of cutoff marks.
Formula: Sum of Exam Type Marks / Sum of ExamType Max. Marks* EvaluationCutoff percentage

Step 3: The report gives you the different grades count scored by the students of a section or sections along with the average score of the section in the evaluation selected.

The report is complemented with the graphical representation of grades scored by the students. When multiple sections are selected, the graph shows the overall result of the sections.

You can clearly analyze the performance between the sections in the selected subjects.

Format 2: While Format 1 gives you the comparison between the sections at a subject level, Format 2 gives you a comparison between the subjects at a section level.

The graph represents the overall performance of the subjects in scoring different grades at a section level.

What is KYA and how to enter KYA test marks, Remarks and Generate the Report card?

What is KYA?

Know Your Aptitude | CBSE Aptitude Test 2019

Central Board Of Secondary Education (CBSE) recently introduced KYA for the students. The Know Your Aptitude (KYA) or CBSE Aptitude Test was launched to make students aware of their skills and strengths. The test will help students in deciding what choices they should make for the future. The test is launched for the students of 9th and 10th Class.

Know Your Aptitude (KYA) test covers seven areas: Language Aptitude (LA), Abstract Reasoning (AR), Verbal Reasoning (VR), Mechanical Reasoning (MR), Numerical Aptitude (NA), Spatial Aptitude (SA), and Perceptual Aptitude (PA).

Understanding The Meaning Of KYA– Test Scores
1. To know how a student has performed on different sub-tests of aptitude, you need to have an
estimate of her/his standing among students of the same class.

2. The total score obtained on each sub-test will become meaningful when converted to a standard
score, which is called the “Sten score”. These are in the range of 1 to 10.

3. To convert the score obtained on a particular sub-test into Sten score, consult the relevant Norms
table depending on the Class to which the student belongs.

4. Record in KYA – Aptitude Test Report Sheet, the students score on all subtests,
its corresponding Sten score and description of Sten score.

5. Plot the sten scores obtained on the seven sub-tests on the graph given in the KYA – Aptitude Test
Report Sheet.

6. Now identify those aptitudes in which the student has scored high. This can be clearly seen in the
KYA – Aptitude Test Report Sheet. Keep in mind these identified sub-tests.

High aptitude in a subtest may be used to facilitate exploring of courses and occupations related to
that particular aptitude. Suggestions/Remarks need to be based on a students’ performance in these
subtests/aptitudes of the KYA- Aptitude Test.

An Example To Score, Record And Explain KYA – Test Results
Let us now see how to understand the performance of Manju, a girl studying in class IXth in one of the schools.

1. Fill in the details of the student in the KYA- Aptitude Test Report Sheet ).

2. Calculate the score obtained on the first sub-test i.e. LA sub-test by counting all the correct
responses using the Scoring Key – Stencil. Let us assume that the total right responses/score of
Manju is 15 on LA.

3. Convert score 15 to sten – score by referring to Norms Table for Class IX (Girls).
As can be seen, the score of 15 on LA falls in Sten 5. Therefore Manju’s Sten score on LA is 5.

4. Check the Description table to understand the meaning of this Sten score. The Sten
a score of 5 on LA sub-test indicates that her performance is in “Average” range.

5. Record on the KYA – Aptitude Test Report Sheet:
(i) The obtained score i.e. 15.
(ii) Corresponding Sten scores i.e. 5.
(iii) Description of Sten score specific to LA sub test i.e. “average”.

6. Now for the remaining sub-tests, let us assume that Manju has scored 27 in AR, 25 in VR, 6 in MR,
19 in NA, 11 in SA and 43 in PA. Repeat the steps 3 to 5 for the remaining sub-tests.

7. Plot Sten-scores on the graph.

8. Identify those sub-tests/aptitudes in which Manju has scored high.

9. Based on Manju’s performance, offer suggestions/remarks.

Here is the sample KYA report sheet based on the above example.

KYA Test marks Entry: can be done from system admin and branch logins.

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Enter KYA Test Marks under KYA menu.

Step 5: Choose Academic year, class & section and click on Get to get the list of students.

Step 6: Enter the marks under each parameter and click on Save.

Step 7: You can edit or delete the marks by clicking on the respective icon against the row.

Step 8: To upload, Click on Bulk Upload button available on the top right corner.

Step 9: Chose the class details, click on Get, Choose all or specific parameter for which you would like to enter marks for and click on Click here link to download the file format.

Step 10: Enter the marks and save the file. Please make sure you do not change the file format while saving the file. Browse the file from your computer and choose it. Click on Validate to upload.

Step 11: Check the correct records count and click on the upload button to save the marks or cancel to revert.

KYA Remarks Entry:

Step 12: Choose Enter KYA Remarks option under KYA menu

Step 13: Choose an academic year, class/section, click on get. Enter remarks against the student name and click Save.

Step 14: To edit or delete the remarks, click on the respective icons.

Step 15: To upload, Click on Bulk Upload option available on the top right corner.

Step 16: Choose Academic year, class/section and click on Get. Click on Click here link to get the file format downloaded.

Step 17: Check the validation message and click on upload to save the remarks or cancel to revert.

KYA Report Sheet Generation:

Step 18: Choose KYA Report Card option under KYA menu.

Step 19: Choose Academic Year, Class & Section, All students or specific students from the drop down for whom you would like to generate the report and click on Get.

Step 20: Click on Print to print the generated KYA report of the students based on your selection.

How to view and generate Subject Syllabus Report Card?

The subject syllabus report card is generated based on the test results entered for a test and the syllabus assigned to the test.

It has two options like Scholastic and Co-Scholastic.

The report card has two pages showing the score of the test followed by the syllabus covered by the test. Suitable for certificate-based reporting.

Co-Scholastic :

The Co-Scholastic report is generated for a specific part covering Skills created under it. Grade entered for each skill is represented as a description. The Descriptive indicator represents the Remarks of the teacher against the Co-Scholastic part.

Scholastic Report:
Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Subject Syllabus Report Card option under the Reports menu.

Step 5: Choose Scholastic Option, Class, section. The term, evaluation, test name and click on the Get Report Card.

Step 6: Click on Print report card option available on the top left corner to print the report cards.

Co-Scholastic Report: Best suited for rubric-based reporting.

Step 7: Choose Co-Scholastic option, Class, Section, Term, Co-Scholastic Part and click on the Get Report Card.

Step 8: Click on Print report card option available on the top left corner to print the report cards.

How to view Student Co-Scholastic Skills Details report?

This report lists the status of Co-Scholastic Sub Skills assigned to the students in each term.
This will help you verify whether correct skills are assigned all student or not.

The report can be generated for all students of all classes and sections or specific classes and section.

To generate the report, please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Student CoScholastic Skills Details option under the Reports menu.

Step 5: Choose All Classes or Specific class, All sections or specific sections and click on Get.

Step 6: Click on the Export option available on the top left corner to export the file to Excel.