How many types of groups can create and assign for students in MCB?

Schools can create 4 types of groups and assign students to their respective groups. You can create groups in common for all classes or specific classes.

The following are the groups and their purpose.

House Groups:
House groups are used to assign the students at a school level serving a particular purpose. Students can be assigned to these groups from different classes across the school to perform the designated duties.

Ex: The students of the school are divided into 4 groups like the Yellow group, Orange group, Green Group, and Blue group and assigned duties to perform. Define designation as per the school’s student council and assign the designation to students to lead their respective groups.
Define the groups and student council with the designations in MCB. Assign the students to the respective groups and start sending SMS and Emails.

Academic Groups:
Academic groups are used to conduct examinations for a particular group of students. Students can be assigned to these groups from one class or multiple classes.

Ex: The student of the school is divided into different groups as per their learning abilities. Conduct exams to these groups to track the progress of the students.
Define the groups and add the students to the respective groups. Start communication through SMS and Email. Record the performance and report the progress of the students through the Grade book module.

Practical Groups:
Practical groups are used to group the students who are having practical sessions as part of their academic program. It helps in creating a separate timetable for lab sessions and capture the attendance accordingly.

Finance Groups:
Finance groups are used to collect a particular fee for a set of students.

Define group, Add students and assign the fee to the student’s group wise.

Path: Settings / Organisation/ Class Groups

We would like to open an option for parents to check and update their information from parent portal web/app. Is it possible?

Yes, there is a provision in MCB called User type Preferences which will help you to open certain data fields open for a parent to check and update if required in the parent login. The details are directly updated in the MCB database without any manual intervention.

The preferences can be opened for a specific date. Post due date, the edit option will be disabled for parents to update the information. Please note that, when you open preferences for parents, it is made available for all parents of branches that are available in your organization in MCB.

The following details can be opened using preferences

1. Student Details
2. Father, Mother, Guardian Details
3. Sibling details

Path: Settings / Organisation/ User type Preferences

Can we limit/allow MCB’s access on a specific desktop/laptop?

Yes, the system admin can white list the IP address and MAC address of a desktop/laptop to allow MCB’s access only on that system. Also, we can block MCB’s access on a desktop/laptop by adding the respective IP address to Blacklist. You can also block countries to not allow MCB’s access.

Below are the security settings a school can enable.

IP White list: Specify your dedicated desktop IP (preferably static IP) from which you want to access your MCB portal. If you define the IP addresses, you can only access the defined IP addresses only. However, Parent/students can access from anywhere.

IP Blacklist: The IP address of the systems added here will not be allowed to access MCB.

MAC Enabled: If you would like to allow any user to work from a specific (dedicated) Desktop / Laptop, you can define that desktop/laptop MAC against that user, so that the user access will be able to open MCB only from that desktop/laptop. Best suited for Accountants for fee collections.

Country Blacklist: If you select any country from the list, if anyone is accessing from the country will be blocked automatically by the system.

Path: Settings / Organisation/ Security Settings