Yes, you can enable a single copy option for receipt in MCB at the following path.
Path: Settings / Organisation/ Organization Settings/Receipt Settings
Yes, you can enable a single copy option for receipt in MCB at the following path.
Path: Settings / Organisation/ Organization Settings/Receipt Settings
Yes, you can disable the edit option for an accountant on the following path. So that, he/she cannot edit the concession set for the student while collecting the fee.
Path: Settings / Organisation/ Organization Settings/Advanced Receipt Settings
The following are the formats of the passwords available in MCB.
1. Enrolment Code
2. Admission No
3. Mobile No
4. Date of Birth(ddMMyyyy)
5. Date Of Birth(ddMMMyyyy)
Path: Settings / Organisation/ Organization Settings/Basic Details
Yes, you can enter the maximum amount an accountant can offer while collecting the fee.
Path: Settings / Organisation/ Organization Settings/Advanced Receipt Settings
The following are the types of alias names could be set for parent login
1. Admission Number
2. Mobile Number
When any of the above are set as an alias name, the parent can use it as a user name. Parents can also log in with the default user name provided by MCB.
Path: Settings / Organisation/ Organization Settings/Basic Details
The following are the settings available in MCB can be set for the staff.
1. HR Payroll SMS Sufix: When you send payroll SMS to staff, the code you set here will add as a suffix to our message.
2. Staff SMS: Allow SMS to staff
3. Staff Probationary Days: No of days to consider to as probationary for staff
4. Staff Max. Books: Maximum number of books can be issued to staff
5. LOP Amount Calculation Rule: You can choose LOP calculation based on the number of working days or fixed 30days
6. Branch Level Attendance Modification: Allow/restrict modification of staff attendance in-branch user login
7. Staff Inactive Approvals: Allow/restrict approval mechanism for staff inactivation
8. Biometric Code Settings: There are 3 types that can be set for staff biometric code.
When you set
1- Will set Biometric code same as staff code
2- Will auto-generate biometric code
3- Will allow manual entry of biometric code
Path: Settings / Organisation/ Organization Settings/HR Settings