How to send push notifications on mobile app?

Step 1: Login to MCB with System admin login credentials.

Step 2: Select “Home” on the right-hand top corner.

Step 3: Select Communication. You’ll be directed to the “Communication” page

Step 4: Choose to Send Push Notifications option under the Communication menu.

Step 5: Choose branch, user type as Student/Parents or staff, Gender, Transport type, Student Category and click on continue.

Step 6: If you would like to send notifications only for selected students, select the checkbox “For selected students only” to get the list of students based on your selection in the previous screen.

Step 7: Select the students for whom you would like to send a message, enter the message and attach the file if required and click on Send Notifications button.

Step 8: If you would like to send a message for all students based on your selection in the previous screen, uncheck the box “For selected students only” and type the message, attach the file, enter the message and click on “Send Notifications” button.

Note: Please follow the procedure described above for sending push notifications to staff.

How to create announcements for School Admins?

Step 1: Login to MCB with System admin login credentials.

Step 2: Select “Home” on the right-hand top corner.

Step 3: Select Communication. You’ll be directed to the “Communication” page

Step 4: Choose “Create Announcements for Admins” option under the Communication menu.

Step 5: Click on the + sign on the top right corner to create a new announcement.

Step 6:

  • Find the following three option in the branch selection.
    • All Locations and Branches : Announcement for all locations and branches
    • Selected Locations of All branches: Announcement all branches of a specific location
    • Selected Branches: Specific branches of all locations
  • To create announcement type, click on + sign next to type and create a new type as per your requirement.
  • Under To, find the following
    • All Admins – Announcement for all users created in organization
    • Organisation – Announcement for selected user types created at Organisation Level.
    • Zonal – Announcement for selected user types created at Zonal Level.
    • Branch – Announcement for selected user types created at Branch Level.
  • Add description of Announcement
  • Add Attachments if required
  • Click on Save button to create the announcement.

Step 7 : Created Announcements can be viewed monthly, weekly or between selected dates by choosing the respective filter.

An announcement can be edited or deleted by clicking on the edit and delete icons respectively

How to send wishes to Students on their Birthday?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Principal login credentials.

Step 2: Select “Home” on the right-hand top corner.

Step 3: Select Communication. You’ll be directed to the “Communication” page

Step 4: Click on “Others” on the menu bar and select “ Student Birthday Calendar”

Step 5: Click on Month name to get the list of students who are celebrating the birthday in the month selected.

Step 6: Click on SMS against the student to send birthday wishes through SMS.

Step 7: Choose the template from the dropdown and click on send SMS.

Step 8: Click on Email against the student to send birthday wishes through Email.

Step 9: Choose from address, Enter the subject and content in email body, attach the file if required and click on Send Email button.

Step 10: If you wish to use templates, click on Select template, choose the template from gallery, attach a file if required and click on Send Email button.

How to send wishes to Staff on their Birthday?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Principal login credentials.

Step 2: Select “Home” on the right-hand top corner.

Step 3: Select Communication. You’ll be directed to the “Communication” page

Step 4: Click on “Others” on the menu bar and select “ Student Birthday Calendar”

Step 5: Select the “Branch”, staff department, All months or a specific month and click on “Get”.

Step 6: Click on the “Month” name, it will take you to the page where you can view the staff details who are celebrating a birthday in the selected month.

Step 7: To send birthday wishes through SMS, Click on SMS.

Step 8: Choose the template from the drop-down and Click on send SMS. Please note that a default template is made available for you to use it right away. Otherwise, you can create your own templates in SMS templates under settings.

Step 9: To send wishes through emails, Click on Email icon against the staff.

Step 10: Choose from address, Enter the subject and content in the email body, attach the file if required and click on Send Email button.

Step 11: If you wish to use templates, click on Select template, choose the template from the gallery, attach a file if required and click on Send Email button.

How to Create/Delete an Announcement?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Admin login credentials.

Step 2: Select “Home” on the right-hand top corner.

Step 3: Select Communication. You’ll be directed to the “Communication” page.

Step 4: Click on “Communication” on the top bar and select “Create Announcements”.

Step 5: Click on “+” symbol showing “Create Announcements” and enter the required details.

Step 6: You can also select the users here by choosing any of the options like “All users or Staff or Parents/Students”.

Step 7: Enter the information and Click on “Save”. The announcement is created and shared.

Add attachments

Step 8: If you want to share any documents in the Announcements, the same can be done by simply clicking the Upload option. Upload attachments, documents, pdf files, word files etc to post and click “Save”. The attachments are posted in the Announcement.

Delete an Announcement

Step 1: Go back to “Communication” Dashboard ——> Announcements.

Step 2: To delete, select an announcement that was created by you and click on the “Delete” option shown in the right.

Step 3: Click on delete and the Announcement is successfully deleted.

Note: You can only delete those announcements created by you.

How to use My Messages?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Communication on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Communication page.

Step 3: Click on “Others” on the top bar and select “My Messages”.

Step 4: Select the “Compose”, and click on “Select User”.

Step 5: Enter the “Description else Choose File”, and click on Send.

Step 6: The Message is sent to the selected students.

To check my messages in the parent portal:

Step 7: Open the parent Portal & Click on “My Messages”

Step 8: Sent Messages are displayed.