How to generate Report Card Analysis?

The report card Analysis can be generated in the following criteria

1. Based on the Evaluations: Report is generated based on the evaluations available under a term. It offers 4 formats with different calculations.
2. Based on the Exam Type Settings: Report is generated based on the Exam type calculation settings made.
3. Based on Report Card Output: Report is generated matching with the term and overall report card format.

To generate Based on the Evaluations:

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose a Report Card Analysis option under the Analysis menu.

Step 5: Choose Class, Section, Term, Based on Evaluations, All Class Groups or a specific Class Group, All Subjects or a specific subject, Format 1 or Format 2 or Format 3 or Format 4 and Click on Show Report.

Step 6: Click on Excel option available on top left corner to export the file.

How to read the Report?

Format 1: Average of non-summative evaluations is added to summative evaluation.
Format 2: Best of non-summative evaluations is added to Summative evaluation.
Format 3: Sum of non-summative and summative evaluations.
Format 4:
Academic Subjects Calculation – Average of non-summative evaluations is added to summative evaluation.

Non-Academic subjects Calculation – All Evaluation marks (Summative and Non-Summative) will be taken for 100 and averaged.

Subject Total: Sum of Summative evaluations and average of non-summative evaluations

Subject Percentage: Subject total / Subject Max Marks * 100

Subject Grade: Based on the subject percentage obtained.

Total Marks: Sum of subjects’ total

Total Percentage: Total marks of the subjects / Total Max. Marks of the subjects * 100

Grade: Based on the total percentage obtained.

Add Non CGPA Subjects to Total: When this option is selected, the scores of Non-CGPA subjects are added to the Grand total.

Add AM to Max Marks: When this option is selected, Test Max Marks are included in the grand total when marks of the test saved as AM. Otherwise, Test Max Marks are excluded in the grand total.

To generate Based on the Exam Type Settings:

Step 7: Choose Class, Section, Term, Based on Examtype Settings, All Class Groups or a specific Class Group, All Subjects or a specific subject and Click on Show Report.

Step 8: Click on the Excel option available on the top left corner to export the file.
Click on View Settings to view the settings made for the term and subjects selected.

How to read the report?

Based on the Term Exam Type Calculation settings made for each subjects [Ex: Sum, Average, Average of best and some of best] the result is brought to the exam type cutoff percentage and is displayed under the respective exam type column along with the following:

Subject Total: Sum of all exam types’ cutoff marks

Subject Percentage: Subject total / Subject Max Marks * 100

Subject Grade: Based on the subject percentage obtained.

Total Marks: Sum of subjects’ total

Total Percentage: Total marks of the subjects / Total Max. Marks of the subjects * 100

Grade: Based on the total percentage obtained.

Add Non CGPA Subjects to Total: When this option is selected, the scores of Non-CGPA subjects are added to the Grand total.

To generate Based on Report Card Output:

Step 9: Choose Class, Section, Term, Based on Report Card output and Click on Show Report option to generate the report.

Step 10: Click on the Excel option available on the top left corner to export the file.

How to read the Report?

Report is generated based on the output of the term report card.

It’s a consolidated report of a section having all the parameters being reported in the report card along with the attendance.

How to generate Rank wise Analysis?

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Rank wise Analysis option under the Analysis menu.

Step 5: Choose Class, All sections or specific sections, term, all evaluations or specific evaluations, subject type, all subjects or specific subjects, Report type as Term wise or Evaluation wise and click on Show Report.

Step 6: Click on the Excel icon available on the top left corner to export the file.

How to read the Report?

Term wise:
Step 1: Based on the Term Exam Type Calculation settings made, the result will be brought to the exam type percentage.
Note: If Exam type settings are not available, the system will consider the calculation settings as SUM by default.

Step 2: The obtained Exam type percentage is further brought to the evaluation percentage.
Formula: Sum of Exam Type Marks / Sum of ExamType Max. Marks* Evaluation Cutoff percentage

Step 3: The sum of all evaluation percentages is displayed under each subject for the term.

Evaluation wise :
Step 1: Based on the Term Exam Type Calculation settings made, the result will be brought to the exam type percentage.
Note: If Exam type settings are not available, the system will consider the calculation settings as SUM by default.

Step 2: The obtained Exam type percentage is further brought to the evaluation percentage.
Formula: Sum of Exam Type Marks / Sum of ExamType Max. Marks* Evaluation Cutoff percentage

Total Marks: Sum of all subjects marks of all evaluations [As per the weights ]
Percentage: Total Marks obtained / Max Marks of all Subjects Evaluation weightages * 100

Grade: Based on the Percentage obtained.
Student Rank: Rank are allocated based on the percentage obtained from Highest to Lowest order across the section or Sections [based on the selection during report generation]

Percentile Grade: The highest Grade is allocated for the first top 1/8th strength of section/sections [based on the class and sections selection during report generation]. Next Rank allocation to the next top 1/8th strength of the section and so on and so forth.

How to generate Grade wise Analysis?

This report offers Subject wise and Class wise analysis.

To generate Class wise Analysis pls follow the steps below.

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Report Card Analysis option under the Analysis menu.

Step 5: Choose Class, All Evaluations or specific Evaluations, Class wise option, All sections or a specific section and click on Search.

Step 6: Click on the Excel option to export the file.

Step 7: To generate, Subject wise report, Choose Class, All Evaluations or specific evaluations, Subject wise option, All subjects or a specific Subject and Click on Search.

Step 8: Click on the Excel option available on the top left corner to export the report.

How to read the Report?

Class Wise :
The report will help you analyze all subjects’ performance of a section in the selected evaluations. It will show you the
Subject: List of Subjects for which tests are conducted under the selected evaluation

Teacher name: Name of the Subject Teacher

Max Marks: Sum of maximums of the tests conducted under the selected evaluation

Student Count: Strength of the section

Attended: Number of Students present for the test

Absent and %: Number of students marked as Ab [In the marks entry]

Pass: The number of students who score above the least grade set on the grading scale.
Example: If a grading scale is set as A, B, C, D. The students who score Grade C and above are considered as pass.

Pass %: Number of passed students/number of students attended the exam * 100
Fail: The number of students who score the least grade set on the grading scale.
Example: If a grading scale is set as A, B, C, D. The students who score grade “D” are considered as Fail.

Fail %: Number of failed students/number of students attended the exam * 100
Grades set in the grading scale: Number of students falling under each grade based on their performance.

A1/A2/B1: Grades are considered from the Grading Scale which is set greater than grade point 7.
Calculation: Number of students who scored greater than 7-grade points

Example: If grading is scale is set for 10-grade points, the number of students of the section have scored grade points 8, 9,10, i.e. 80% and above will be considered under this category.

Other than A1/A2/B1: Number of students who scored <=7 grade points / total students attended *100
Average: Average marks scored by students of the section
Average%: Average marks scored by the section / Average max marks of the evaluation

Highest: Highest marks scored in the evaluation.

Lowest: Lowest marks scored in the evaluation.

Subject Wise: The report will help you analyze the Sections’ performance of all subjects in the selected evaluations. The definition of the columns in the report is the same as for Class wise report.

How to generate GPA Wise Exam Analysis?

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose the GPA Wise Exam Analysis option under the Analysis menu.

Step 5: Choose Marks or Marks with Graph or Graph and Click on Show Report.

Step 6: Click on the Excel icon available on the top left corner to export the file file.

How to read the Report?

GPA Wise Exam Analysis represents average evaluation scores and average term scores of a branch. It is generated in the following steps.

Evaluation Scores:

Step 1: The score of all subjects under one evaluation of each student are added and scaled down to 10%. [ At a Student level]

Step 2: Average score of all students in the section is obtained. [ At a section level covering all students]

Step 3: Average score of all sections of a class is obtained.[ At a class level covering all sections]

Step 4: Average score of all classes having the same evaluation name in a branch is obtained. [ At a branch level covering all classes]

Please note that Step 4 represents the final output and the remaining steps are done at the coding level.

When we click on the score under an evaluation, it shows the break up of all classes average to understand how branch’s average is obtained.

Term wise Scores:
Step 1: The score of all evaluations [of all subjects] of each student are added and scaled down to 10%. [ At a Student level]

Step 2: Average score of all students in the section is obtained. [ At a section level covering all students]

Step 3: Average score of all sections of a class is obtained.[ At a class level covering all sections]

Step 4: Average score of all classes in a branch is obtained. [ At a branch level covering all classes]

When we click on the score under a term, it shows the break up of all classes average to understand how to branch’s average is obtained.

Marks with Graph:
This option complements the analysis of the marks with the graphical representation of the same.

This option gives the graphical representation of marks analysis.

How to generate Exam Marks and Grades Report?

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Exam Marks and Grades Report option under the Analysis menu.

Step 5: Choose Class, Section, Term, Evaluation, Test name and Click on Get.

Please uncheck include failing in Rank to exclude fail students in Rank Generation.

Step 6: Click on the Excel icon available on the top left corner to export the report.

How to read this Report?

This report is generated when the test name is the same across all subjects under one evaluation.

It will list the test scores of all subjects along with Grand Total, Percentage, Section wise Rank, Class wise Rank, Remarks given in the Grading Scale.

Include Fail in Rank: This report provides flexibility to add or remove failed students from the Rank sequence.

Fail Criteria: If a student scores less than the test minimum mark which is set for the test or Absent for the test, then the student is considered as failed.

Total: Sum of test marks scored in the subjects

% of Marks: Sum of test marks obtained / Sum of Max. Marks of the tests * 100

Sec. Rank: Ranks are allocated based on the percentage obtained from Highest to Lowest order across the section.

Class Rank: Ranks are allocated based on the percentage obtained from Highest to Lowest order across all sections of a class.

Remarks: Remarks show the Failed status of students.

How to generate Evaluation Marks Analysis?

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Evaluation Marks Analysis option under the Analysis menu.

Step 5: Choose Grade & SECTIONS, Term, Evaluation and Click on Show Report.

Step 6: Click on the Excel icon available on the top left corner to export the report.

How to read the Report?

Step 1: Based on the Term Exam Type Calculation settings made for the subjects, the result will be brought to the exam type percentage.
Note: If Exam type settings are not available, the system will consider the calculation settings as SUM by default. The system will add all tests scores available under an evaluation.

Step 2: The obtained Exam type percentages are added and brought to 100% and shown under the respective subject.

Total: Sum of all subjects’ marks obtained for 100.

Percentage: Sum of all subjects marks obtained / Sum of max marks of all subjects * 100

Section Rank: Ranks are allocated based on the percentage obtained from Highest to Lowest order across the section.

Class Rank: Ranks are allocated based on the percentage obtained from Highest to Lowest order across all sections of a class.

Evaluation Percentage: Total marks of evaluation are brought to the evaluation percentage set.

Only Grade: Based on the final percentage obtained, the grade of each subject is displayed. No marks will be shown when Only Grade option is selected.
Height and Weight: Height and weight of the term which is saved in the student health details.

Include Non- CGPA in Total: When this option is selected, the scores of Non-CGPA subjects are added to the Grand total.

When this option is unselected, the scores of Non-CGPA subjects are displayed separately after the Grand total.