How to generate parent concern analysis report?

Parent Concern Analysis report can be generated from the system admin login.

To generate the report, please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB with system admin login credentials. Click on the Concerns module.

Step 2: Choose Parent Concern Analysis option under Reports menu.

Step 3: Detailed report:
Choose location, branches as All or a specific branch, Report type as detailed, concern type category, all concern types or a specific concern type, date as today or last 7 days or Last 30days or Till date or dates range. Click on the Get button to generate the report.

Step 4: You can export or print the report by clicking on the respective icons on the top right corner of the report.

Step 5: Consolidated report:
Choose location, branches as All or a specific branch, Report type as Consolidated, concern type category, all concern types or a specific concern type, date as today or last 7 days or Last 30days or Till date or date range. Click on the Get button to generate the report.

Step 6: The consolidated report will be generated in the following format. You can export or print the report by clicking on the respective icons on the top right corner of the report.

How to generate Class Activity Report Based on Frequency Settings?

Class Activity Summary Report helps the school admin to understand the usage trend of Attendance, Class diary, Assignments, Activities, and announcements with status as Very Good, Good, Needs Attention, Serious Concern branch wise based on the frequency set. The frequency can be set by the school based on the expected usage of each type.

The report returns the status of the activity as per the frequency settings when the following percentage of the usage is found by the sections.

1. Very Good – 94% to 100% of usage by the sections
2. Good – 50% to 93% of usage by the sections
3. Need Attention – 1 to 49% of usage by the sections
4. Serious Concern – 0% of usage by the sections

To make the frequency settings, please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB with system admin credentials, Click on the Settings option on the right pane by clicking on the User Profile Picture.

Step 2: Choose the Frequency Settings option under Communication Module Settings

Step 3: Choose All Branches of option if the settings are common or choose a specific branch if they are pertaining to a branch. Click on Get Settings.

Step 4: Choose the Frequency as Dialy or Weekly Once or Weekly Twice against the Type based on the expected usage by each section. Click on Tick mark as you choose the settings to save.

Step 5: To change the setting, click on Edit Icon against the type.

Step 6: Make the necessary change and click on the Tick mark to save.

To Generate the Report,
Step 7: Go to the Communication module.

Step 8: Choose Class Activity Report Based on Frequency Settings under the Reports menu.

Step 9: Choose the Branch, Type as All or a specific type, dates range and click on Get.

Step 10: The report is generated based on the type for the selected dates range. Please note the status of usage based on the frequency set. You may export the report to Excel by clicking on the excel icon available at the top left corner.

How to generate Communication Overall Summary Report?

Overall Summary Report shows the summary of Concerns, Announcement, Assignments, Diary, Photo gallery with the details Given Count, Approved Count, Pending count branch wise to understand the usage trend. This report is available in the system admin login.

To generate the report, please follow the steps mentioned below.
Step 1: Login to MCB with system admin login credentials. Click on the communication module.

Step 2: Under Reports, click on the Overall Summary Report.

Summary of Concerns:

Step 3: Choose location, Branch, Type as Concern and Report type as Branch wise parent concern report or Branch wise parent concerns VS Parent Satisfaction Report and click on GET report.

Branch wise parent concern report: This report gives the branch wise information on concerns with the count of total tickets, tickets opened, closed, in process, reopened, solved %. To export the report to excel, click on the Excel icon on the top left corner.

Parent Satisfaction Report: This report gives the branch wise information on concerns with the percentage of solved tickets, closed tickets, not satisfied tickets, total replies, etc. to estimate branch wise satisfaction rate. To export the report to excel, click on the Excel icon on the top left corner.

Summary of Diary:

Step 4: To generate summary of Diary for the selected branch, choose type as Diary, date and click on GET.

Step 5: The report shows a total number of sections available in each branch, diary given count, not given count along with approved and not approved counts.

To export the report to excel, click on the Excel icon on the top left corner.

Summary of Announcements:

Step 6: To generate the summary of Announcements, choose type as Announcements and click on Get.

Step 7: The report shows the total number of Announcements along with Pending and Approved Count. To export the file to excel, click on the Excel icon on the top left corner.

Summary of Assignments:

Step 8: To generate the summary of Assignments, choose type as Assignments and click on Get.

Step 9: The report shows the total number of Assignments along with the Pending and Approved Count. To export the file to excel, click on the Excel icon on the top left corner.

Summary of Photo Gallery:

Step 10: To generate the summary of Assignments, choose type as Assignments and click on Get.

Step 11: The report shows a total number of Photo Gallery along with Pending and Approved Count. To export the file to excel, click on the Excel icon on the top left corner.

How to Upload a News Letter

A newsletter is an organized document that can be shared with parents as a letter of communication common to all branches or classes.

Ex: School Manual, Parent Handbook, Year-end Newsletter, etc.

The newsletter can be uploaded by System admin, principal, and coordinator.

To upload the newsletter from System admin login, pls follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login with System Admin login credentials. Go to Organization Module.

Step 2: Click on Organization Documents link under Organization Menu.

Step 3: It will list the documents uploaded already along with branches and classes assigned.

To add a new document, click on the Add button on the top right corner.

Step 4: Enter Name of the document, Description and Click on Save button.

Step 5: To edit the document details, click on the edit icon.

Step 6: Make the necessary change and click on update to save the changes.

Step 7: To assign branches and classes to the newsletter to make sure who can view the newsletter in parent/student login, click on “+” sign.

Step 8: Choose All branches or a specific branch, All Classes or a specific class, status as Active and click on Save button.

Step 9: To edit or delete classes, click on the respective icons and perform the action.

Step 10: To add files, click on View Files against the name. It will also let you view the files which are already available.

Step 11: Click on the Add button.

Step 12: Click on the Choose file button, choose the file which you would like to upload from your computer and click on the Upload Button.

Step 13: To Inactive the file, click on the delete icon against the file name. It will not permanently delete the file instead of file that will be inactivated.

Step 14: To reactive, the file again, Click on the Reactive option against the file name.

Step 15: To add one more file, Click on the Add button and repeat step 12.

To upload the newsletter from Principal or coordinator login, pls follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 16: Login with Principal or coordinator login and go to Communication Module.

Step 17: Click on the Newsletter option under Communication Menu.

Step 18: It will list all the documents available for the branch. To add files, edit or delete, Please, follow steps 3 to 15.

How can a parent view the newsletter in his/her login?

Step 19: Login to MCB with Parent Login Credentials. Click on the Newsletter menu.

Step 20: Click on View files option to view the files.

Step 21: Click on the icon to view the file.

Inter Office Concerns User Manual

School can create different concern types in the defined categories. The person who is assigned as a branch owner can submit the concern by choosing the category and concern type. The concern submitted by the branch owner can be handled by the following roles based on the concerned type defined.

Roles who can act on the concerns:

The concern can be raised by the owner assigned at the branch level.

If the Work Flow to handle the concerns is not defined,

The principal of the branch and system admin user will have access to act on the concern.

If the Work Flow to handle the concern is defined,

The concerns will be handled by the users assigned at different levels. The users (except the highest level user ) at the levels will be able to write the remarks and forward the concern to the next level. The user who is at the highest level only will get the option to close the concern as it is forwarded by the previous users.

Email Communication:

Email communication is enabled as when it is being raised and attended by different people until it is closed/resolved.

Raise a concern – Owner at branch level receive an email as he/she raises the concern.

Assume that the workflow is defined with 2 levels.
Level 1 – Principal or system admin or the person who is assigned at level 1 receives an email with the concern details.

Level 2 – The person who is assigned at level 2 receives an email with the concern details as and when it is forwarded from level 1.

Create Inter office Concerns:

Concern Types and description can be created only in system admin login.

Step 1: Please login to MCB with system admin login credentials. Visit Concerns module by clicking on the Home link on the top right corner.

Step 2: Click on Create Concern Type option under Concerns module or on the dashboard.

Step 3: Click on Inter office Concerns tab to view or create concern type. As you click on Inter office concerns tab, it will list the existing concern types and the description and user-assigned at the organization level.

Step 4: To create new Concern Type, click on Add Concern option under Concern Category

Step 5:
Enter Concern Type, description

Choose a responsible person at the organization level. The user you choose here will receive an email as and when a concern is raised by the staff. For example, if a school’s director wants to be notified when a concern is raised, you add him/her as a responsible person at an organization level. As you enter the user name, the system would show the email and mobile number automatically.

Click on Save to create the concerned type or Cancel to revert.

Please find the concern created along with the existing concern types as shown below.

Assign Branch owners to the Inter office Concerns:

Step 6: Top assign branch owners to the concern types and to define who has to handle at different levels, please click on Assign responsible person at branch level.

Step 7: Choose Branch and concern type as Inter office concerns and click on Get.

Step 8: Go through the note given for setting up the workflow for each type. Based on your requirement, you may define the workflow against each concern type.
When no workflow is defined, The principal of the branch and system admin user will have access to act on the concern.

Step 9: To assign a branch owner to raise the specific concern at a branch level, click on the Assign button against the concerned type. Please note that you need to assign a branch owner to each concern types individually.

Step 10: You can assign a branch owner through an access level or User type. Choose User type, Access level from the options available in the dropdown.

Enter user name if it is through user type or Branch code if it is through branch access level.

Click on Save button to save the settings or Cancel to revert.

Step 11: To delete the branch owner, click on the delete icon.

Step 12: To define a workflow to handle the concerns, click on +Define workflow to handle the concerns option against the concerned type.
Please note that for each concern type for which there are different people to handle the concerns, workflow needs to be defined.

Step 13: Choose access level, user type and enter a level number. Click on save button to define the level or cancel button to revert.

Step 14: To add another level, click on Add level option.

Step 15: Choose access level, user type and enter a level number. Click on save button to define the level or cancel button to revert.

Step 16: To edit the level, click on the edit icon against the level.

Step 17: Make the necessary changes in the level and click on tick mark to save the changes or cross mark to cancel the changes.

Step 18: To delete the user, Click on the delete icon.

Step 19: Click Yes, delete it! To confirm the deletion and cancel to revert.

How can we raise an Inter office Concern:

The branch owner assigned for a concern type can only raise the concern from his/her login.

Step 20: Login with branch owner user login credentials, click on concerns module.

Step 21: Click on Raise concern option on the dashboard or from the concerns menu on the top menu bar.

Step 22: Click on Inter-Office Concerns tab.

Step 23: It will list the concerns which already raised with the details. To raise a new Concern, Click on +Raise Concern button on the top right corner.

Step 24: Choose Concern Category, Select Concern type, Request Severity as Low or Medium or High based on the severity of the concern which you are raising.

Please note that there is two option as +Add Concern and +Add Indent.

Concern: This option is used for concerns which do not involve finance.

Indent: This option is used when any material, training, etc which involves finance.

Step 25: To raise a concern, Click on +AddConcern tab.

Step 26: Enter Details, Objective and Remarks of the concern.

Step 27: To add more another concern, Click on +AddConcern to get another row added to enter the details.
Enter the details in the second row, attach files if any by clicking on Choose option and selecting the file from your computer.

Step 28: To add an indent in the same concern, Click on +Add Indent option.

Step 29: To add another indent, click on +AddIndent option again.

Step 30: Verify the details entered and click on the Submit button to submit the concern or Cancel to revert.

Step 31: As you submit the concern, it generated a unique reference number.

How to attend an Inter office Concern:

Inter office concerns can be attended by people who are assigned at different levels to handle the concerns.

Step 32: Login and click on Concerns module.

Step 33: Click on View inter Office Concern option on the dashboard or from the Concerns menu on the top menu bar.

Step 34: All branches or a specific branch, All concerns or concerns with a specific status and click on Get button to view the list of concerns.

Step 35: It will list the concerns based on the selection. Pls note the status, in-process and closed for all the concerns. A link to open the concern and take action will be enabled at the reference number.

Step 36: To act on the concern, Click on the reference number.

Step 37: Enter the resolution and click o Submit button or Cancel to revert. When you submit the concern the concern status will change as In process. Please note that the person at a lower level cannot close the concern. He/she can provide a resolution if it is in process or forward it to the next level.

Step 38: If you would like the concern to forward it to the next level, click on the Reference number.

Step 39: Click on Forward To Next Level button on the top right corner.

How to handle the concern at the final level:

Step 40: Login and click on Concerns module. Click on View Inter Office Concerns link on the dashboard or from the Concerns menu. Click on the Reference Number to act on the concern.

Step 41: Since it is the final level login, there will be a status option to choose and there will not be a button for you to forwarding it to the next level.

Choose the Status, Enter Resolution and Click on Submit button to update the status or Cancel button to revert.

TC Request Help Manual

TC Requests

School can create different reasons and sub reasons for submitting the TC requests.

TC Request is handled by the following people at school:

Step 1: Parent can raise the TC Request from parent login by choosing the option as leaving school or branch transfer.

Step 2: Class Coordinator can attempt to counsel the parent to withdraw the TC request and close it if the parent is convinced. If the parent is not convinced, the coordinator has to forward the request to the principal of the branch.

Step 3: Principal can further counsel the parent to withdraw the request and close the concern if the parent is convinced. If the parent is not convinced, the principal has to approve the TC request.

Step 4: upon the principal’s approval, the Accountant has to generate the TC if there is no Fee due.

Creating reasons for TC request?

Reasons and sub reasons for TC requests can be created only in system admin login.

Step 1: Please login to MCB with system admin login credentials. Visit Concerns module by clicking on the Home link on the top right corner.

Step 2: Click on Create Concern Type option under Concerns module or on the dashboard.

Step 3: Click on the TC Requests tab to view or create new reasons. As you click on the TC Requests tab, it will list the existing reasons and sub reasons available. To add a new reason, click on Add Reason.

Step 4: Enter the reason and click on the Save button or Cancel to revert.

Step 5: To add Edit a reason, click on the Edit icon.

Step 6: Make the changes required, click on Save.

Step 7: To delete the reason, click on the delete icon.

Step 8: Click on Yes, Delete it! Option to confirm the deletion or Cancel option to revert.

Step 9: To add sub reasons for a reason, Click on manage sub reasons option.

Step 10: Click on Add button to start creating the sub reason.

Step 11: Add the Sub reason, click on Tick mark to save the sub reason or cross mark to cancel.

Step 12: To edit the sub reason, Click on Edit icon.

Step 13: Make the changes required and click on Tick mark to save or cross mark to cancel.

Step 14: To delete the sub reason, click on the delete icon.

Step 15: Click Yes to confirm the deletion, No to revert.

How can a parent submit TC request?

The TC Request is available only in the web version at present.

To submit the TC request, please follow the below steps

Step 16: Login to MCB With parent login credentials, Click on TC request

Step 17: Select the type as internal branch transfer or other schools

Step 18: Fill the details with relevant details and click on Submit. Please wait till the pop-up show on the screen as SUBMITTED SUCCESSFULLY.

TC Request approval by Coordinator:

Step 19: Login to MCB with coordinator login credentials.
Click on Concerns on the menu bar and click on Approve TC Requests

Step 20: Select the dates range and click on Get.
Click on Pending tab to view and approve the TC request sent by the parents
Click on Reference code to write the remarks and to update the status

Step 21: Write the remarks and click on Forward To Principal if the parent wants to take TC or click on Close request if the parent wants to withdraw the TC application.

Note: If you click on forward to the principal, the request will be sent to the principal and a mail will be triggered to the principal with the remarks of class coordinator.

TC Request approval by Principal:

Step 22: Login to MCB with principal login credentials and Click on Concerns and click on Approve TC requests.

Step 23: Select the dates range and click on Get

Click on Pending to view and approve the TC request sent by the parents

Click on Reference code to write the remarks and to update the status

Step 24: Write the remarks and click on Forward To Accountant for checking the dues and for providing TC if a parent wants to take TC or click on Close Request if the parent wants to withdraw the TC application

Step 25: For tracking the status of all TCs, click on In progress/Complete option.

TC Request approval and generation by Accountant:

Step 26: Login to MCB with accountant login credentials. Click on Concerns and click on Approve TC request

Step 27: Select the dates range and click on Get

Click on Pending to view and approve the TC request sent by the parents

If due exist for the student then accountant will not get the option to issue TC

Step 28: After clearing the dues accountant can proceed to issue TC

Step 29: Fill all the details and click on submit

Step 30: Select the TC format and click on proceed to confirm

Step 31: Click on Submit after filling all the details in TC