How to get Fee plan wise fee assign?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Finance on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Finance page.

Step 3: In Finance go to fee management and click on “fee plan wise fee assign”.

Step 4: Select the fee plan and click on Get.

Step 5: Select the students to assign and click on “assign fee to students”.

How to give details to created inventory item?

Step 1: After creating the items, need to give the details such as quantity, the price of the item, invoice date, purchase date etc.,
To give the details for items login with system admin access–>go to inventory–>under item details–>click on item details

Step 2: Select the store in which the item needs to be added and click on add items to stocks.

Step 3: Search the items with item name or SKU Code, give the item details such as from which vendor it was purchased, invoice number, invoice date, purchase number and purchase date and mention the quantity for the item and price for the same click on save.

How to create inventory item?

Step 1: To create items login with system admin access–>go to inventory–>under item details–>click on create items.

Step 2: Click on create/edit item details such as item name, UOM(unit of measurement) it numbers be No’s, give the unique SKUCODE and select the required fields click on save.

How to create item type?

Item type can be created in item creation page.

Step 1: In system admin access–>go to inventory–>under item details–>click on create items–>In the item creation page, we have the options to create a category, subcategory and Item type.

Step 2: Click on ‘+’ under the item type to add the item types.

Step 3: Select category and subcategory for which we need to create item type and then click on create inventory subcategory. Give the appropriate item type names such as Notebooks, textbooks, etc., and click on save.

How to create subcategory?

Sub Category can be created in item creation page.

Step 1: In system admin access–>go to inventory–>under item details–>click on create items–>In the item creation page, we have the options to create a category, subcategory and category types.
To create category click on ‘+’ symbol as shown in the below screenshot.

Step 2: Select the category for which your looking to create a subcategory, then click on create a subcategory.

Step 3: Give the subcategory name, description of the same and give the minimum and maximum stock then click on save. Subcategory will be created under the selected category.

How to create category?

Step 1: Category can be created in item creation page.

Step 2: In system admin access–>go to inventory–>under item details–>click on create items–>In the item creation page we have the options to create category, subcategory and category types. To create category click on ‘+’ symbol as shown in the below screenshot.

Step 3: when we click on ‘+’ will navigate to the below screen, click on create inventory category and give the required names such as Books, magazines, CD’s etc., and click on save