How to generate TC Requests report?

TC request report can be generated from a system admin login.

To generate the report, please follow the steps mentioned below.

To generate a Consolidate report for the last two academic years

Step 1: Login to MCB with system admin login credentials. Click on Concerns module.

Step 2: Choose Parent Concern Analysis option under Reports menu.

Step 3: Choose the Report Type as Consolidated or detailed, All branches or a specific branch, dates as last 3 months or 6 months or selected date range and click on Get option to generate the report.

Step 4: The report is generated in the following format. Click on Excel icon on the top left corner to export the report to Excel.

To generate a detailed report

Step 5: Choose report type as detailed, all branches or a specific branch, All classes or a specific class, all sections or a specific section, dates range as last 3 months or last 6 months or selected dated ranger and click on Get option to generate the report.

Step 6: The detailed report gives you the detail such as TC number, T type, reasons and sub reasons, TC issues stats and a complete track of remarks updated by people during different stages of TC approval process.

To export the report to excel, click on the icon on the top left corner of the report.

Staff Concerns User Manual

Using the MCB Concerns module, School can handle Parent concerns, Staff Concerns, and Inter-Office Concerns.

Staff Concerns:

School can create different concern types as per the requirement. Staff can submit the concern by choosing the concerned type. The concern submitted by the staff can be handled by the following roles from the web and mobile app.

Roles who can act on the concerns:

Branch Owner – Any user assigned at a branch level or Principal can act on the concerns.

Email Communication:

Email communication is enabled as when the concern is raised and attended by the concern people till is closed/resolved.

Raise a concern – Staff who raised the concern receives an email with the concern details. Branch owner and principal will also receive an email with the concern details.

Action on Concern – Staff who raised the concern receives an email with the concern details along with the resolution provided by the person who acted on the concern.

Create Staff Concerns:

Concern Types can be created only in system admin login. Please follow the steps mentioned below to complete the setup.

Step 1: Please login to MCB with system admin login credentials. Visit Concerns module by clicking on the Home link on the top right corner.

Step 2: Click on Create Concern Type option under Concerns module or on the dashboard.

Step 3: Click on Staff Concerns tab to view or create concern type. As you click on staff concerns tab, it will list the existing concern types along with the description and user-assigned at the organization level.

Step 4: To create new Concern Type, click on Add Concern option under Concern Category

Step 5: Enter Concern Type, description

Choose a responsible person at the organization level. The user you choose here will receive an email as and when a concern is raised by the staff. For example, if a school’s director wants to be notified when a concern is raised, you can add him/her as a responsible person at an organization level. As you enter the user name, the system would show the email and mobile number automatically.

Click on Save to create the concerned type or Cancel to revert.

Please find the concern created along with the existing concern types as shown below.

Assign Branch owners to the Staff Concerns:

Step 6: Top assign branch owners to the concern types to define who has to handle the concerns, please click on Assign responsible person at branch level.

Step 7: Choose Branch and concern type as Staff concerns and click on Get.

Step 8: Go through the workflow defined for handling the concerns.

Step 9: To assign a branch owner to handle the specific concern at a branch level, click on the Assign button against the concerned type. Please note that you need to assign a branch owner to each concern types individually. Click on Assign button against the concern.

Step 10: You can assign a branch owner through an access level or User type. Choose User type, Access level from the options available in the drop-down.

Enter user name if it is through user type or Branch code if it is through branch access level.

Click on Save button to save the settings or Cancel to revert.

Step 11: To delete the branch owner, click on the delete icon.

How can a Staff raise concern from their login:

Step 12: Login with staff access level, Click on Concerns module.

Step 13: Click on Raise concern option on the dashboard or from the concerns menu.

Step 14: Choose the concerned type, enter the concern details, attach files if any and click on Submit button to submit the concern or click on the clear button to cancel the submission.

Step 15: To view the submitted concerns and their status, click on view concerns tab.

Step 16: You may note the concern details as shown below along with the response you have received, date and time of response from the concerned person.

How can a principal / assigned branch owner can attend a concern from their login:

Step 17: Login with principal or branch owner login credentials. Click on Concerns module.

Step 18: Click on View Staff Concerns link to get the list of concerns submitted by the staff.

Step 19: Choose the concern status as ALL or a specific status, department as all or a specific department and click on Get button.

Step 20: You may note the concern details as displayed. Open concerns status is displayed in red, closed in green and in process in blue.
You can also export the details to excel by clicking on the Excel icon on the top left corner of the report.

Step 21: To act on the open concerns, click on the concern’s reference number. Please note that you can act on the concerns which are of open and in-process status.

Step 22: Go through the details of the concern, choose the status, enter the response and click on Submit button to save or Cancel button to revert. Please note that, once you close the concern, it cannot be opened.

How to enter Activity / PET grades?

Activity grades can be entered from branch admin login and a class teacher login. Whereas PET Grades can be entered from PER user login and branch admin login.

To enter grades for Activity,

Step 1: Login to MCB with branch admin login and click on the Grade Book module on the top menu bar.

Step 2: Click on Activity/PET grade entry option under Grade Book menu.

Step 3: Choose the option Activity, class-section, activity name, activity skill, activity skill set, activity level, a month for which you have created the schedule and click on GET to the list of students who are assigned to the selected level/stage.

Step 4: Choose the grade for against the schedule for each student and click on the Save button.

Step 5: To enter PET Grades, Choose PET option, Class-section, Activity Skill, Activity skill set, the month for which you would like to enter grades and click on Get.

Step 6: Choose grade for the selected activity skill set and click on tick mark to save the grade.

Step 7: To delete the grade, click on the delete icon against the grade.

Step 8: Click on Yes, delete it! Option to confirm the deletion or Cancel button to revert.

How to create Activity Skills and Schedules?

Schools can create Activities, Skills, Assign students, Record Grades Month-wise and Generate Activity Report Cards. Most suitable for the schools who have a curriculum for activities offered and are assessed every month on the skills acquired by the student.

To create Activity, Skills, and Schedules please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login with system admin login credentials and click on Grade Book option on the top menu bar.

Step 2: Choose Activity Skills and Schedules option under Grade Book menu.

Step 3: Skills can be created for Activity and PET.

Activity Skills: Activity skills are created for Indoor, Outdoor and Activity types. For each type, the skills set can be created, classes can be assigned to each skill set and schedules can created for each skill set.

PET Skills: Pet Skills can be created and let the PET user enter grades for all students against the skills created with the grades.

To view existing Activity Skill, choose Activity skill option, choose the activity type and click on Get.

Step 4: To create new activity skill and skill set, Click on Add

Step 5: Choose the Activity type as Activity, Enter Activity name in Skill Activity field and sequence number. Click on Save button.

Step 6: To edit the activity name, click on Edit Icon.

Step 7: Make the necessary changes and click on Save.

Step 8: To delete the activity, click on the delete icon.

Step 9: Click on Yes to confirm the deletion or No to revert.

Step 10: To add Skillset for an activity, click on plus (+) sign against the activity.

Step 11: Enter the Skill activity set and sequence number. Click on Save.

Step 12: To edit the skill set, click on Edit Icon.

Step 13: Make the necessary changes and click on Save button.

Step 14: To delete Skillset, click on the delete icon.

Step 15: Click on Yes to confirm the deletion or No to revert.

Step 16: To assign classes to the skill set, Click on Plus (+) sign.

Step 17: Choose the classes which you would like to assign from the classes drop down and click on the Save button.

Step 18: To delete a class from assigned classes to a skill set, click on the delete icon.

Step 19: Click Yes to confirm the deletion or No to revert.

Step 20: To add Schedules to the skill set, click on Schedules option.

Step 21: There are three pre – defined stages as Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced for each skill set. To add an activity skill schedule for a month, click on the plus (+) sign against the stage under the required month.

Step 22: Enter the schedule in Skill Activity Schedule and sequence number. Click on Save button.

Step 23: To edit the schedule, click on the Edit icon.

Step 24: Make the required changes and click on Save button. To cancel the changes, click anywhere on the screen.

Step 25: To delete the schedule, click on the Delete icon.

Step 26: Click on Yes to confirm the deletion or click on No to cancel the deletion.

PET Skill Creation:

Step 27: Choose PET Skill and Click on Add button.

Step 28: Enter Name of the Skill, sequence number and click on save.

Step 29: To edit the skill name or change the sequence number, Click on the edit icon.

Step 30: Make the changes required and click on the Save option.

Step 31: To delete Skill, click on the delete icon.

Step 32: Click on Yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel the deletion.

Step 33: To add a skill set against the skill, click on Plus (+) sign.

Step 34: Enter skillset name and sequence number. Click on Save button.

Step 35: To edit the skillset name, click on the Edit icon.

Step 36: Make the necessary changes and click on Save option.

Step 37: To delete the skill set, click on the delete icon against the skill set.

Step 38: Click Yes to confirm the deletion and No to cancel the deletion.

Step 39: To assign classes to the skill set, click on Plus (+) sign against the skill set.

Step 40: Choose the classes that are applicable to the skill set and click on Save.

Step 41: To delete the class assigned, click on delete icon against the class.

Step 42: Click Yes to confirm the deletion and No to cancel the deletion.

Step 43: To add a schedule for a skill set, click on Schedule option.

Step 44: Click on Add against the month for which you would like to add the schedule.

Step 45: Enter Schedule for the skill, sequence number and click on Save button.

Step 46: To edit the schedule, click on the Edit icon.

Step 47: To delete the schedule, click on delete icon against the schedule name.

Step 48: Click Yes to confirm the deletion and No to cancel.

To upload schedules:

Step 49: To upload the schedule, Click on Upload Schedule button.

Step 50: Click on the view file format to download the excel file.
Enter the data in the excel and Save the file without changing the file format.
Follow the guidelines given at Note for error free upload.

Step 51: To upload the file, click on Choose Files option, Locate the file in which the data is saved. Choose the file and click on Validate to upload option.

Step 52: Look for the validation message. Please note that only the correct data only gets uploaded when you click on Save. The count that is shown at the incorrect data will not be accepted by the application. Hence make sure the data is entered correctly till it shows zero at the incorrect count. To cancel the upload click on Cancel Option.

How to create Activity/PET grading scale?

The grading scale for Activities or PET can be created separately from system admin login only. To create the same please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login with system admin login credentials and click on Grade Book option on the top menu bar.

Step 2: Click on Skill Activity/ PET Grading Scale option.

Step 3: To create Activity grading scale, choose Activity Grade option.

Step 4: Click on Add option to start creating the grading scale.

Step 5: Enter Grade, Remarks and click on Save.

Note: Please repeat step 4 and Step 5 for creating more grades.

Step 6: To edit the Grade, click on the Edit icon against the grade.

Step 7: Make the required changes and click on Save button.

Step 8: To delete the grade, click on the delete icon against the grade.

Step 9: Click on Yes, delete it! Option to confirm the deletion or Cancel to revert.

Create PET Grades:

Step 10: To Create PET Grades choose Pet Grades option and click on the Add button to start creating the grades.

Step 11: Enter Grade, Remarks and Click on Save.
Note: Please repeat step 4 and Step 5 for creating more grades.

Step 12: Repeat steps 6 to 9 for editing and deleting the grades.

How to Assign Activities and it’s stage to Students?

Assign activities and it’s a stage to students can be done from the branch level login and a class teacher login.

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB with branch user login credentials. Click on Grade Book module.

Step 2: Choose Assign Activities to students option under Grade Book menu.

Step 3: Choose Class-section, Activity name, activity skill, activity skill set and click on Get button.

Step 4: Choose the stage if the student from the drop-down for the selected activity skill set. Click on Tick mark to save.

Step 5: To edit the stage, click on the edit icon against the student.

Step 6: Choose the required stage and click on the tick mark to save the change or Stop icon to cancel the changes.

Step 7: To delete the assigned stage, click on the delete icon.

Step 8: Click Yes option to confirm the deletion and No option to revert.