How to create Grading Scale in Other Exams?

The grading scale can be created only in system admin login.
Please follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Login to MCB with System Admin credentials

Step 2: Click on Grade Book menu on the top menu bar.

Step 3: You will be redirected to the Grade book module. Choose to Create Grading Scale option under Other Exams Menu.

Step 4: Click on +Add Grades option which is placed on the top right corner.

Step 5: Add percentage to cover from in Range from column and percentage cutoff for the grade in Range to Column, Grade, Grade point, Remarks [if required] and click on save to save the grade in the grading scale or close to cancel the entry.

Step 6: Repeat Step 5 for as many grades as you would like to add as per your assessment grading system.

Step 7: To edit the grade, Click on Edit option against the grade.

Step 8: Make the necessary changes and click on update to save changes or close to cancel the changes.

Step 9: To delete the grade, click on the delete option against the grade.

Step 10: Confirm the deletion by clicking on the Delete Grade button or Cancel to cancel the deletion.

How to upload Subject wise Reflections?

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Upload Subject wise Reflections option under Grade Book menu.

Reflection type-wise:

Step 5: To upload Grade for a reflection type, Choose Grade & Section, Term, Evaluation Name, Subject, Reflection types for which you would like to upload the remarks, Type as Reflection, Grade option and click on the download file format. Enter the remarks against the student and save the file as it is in .CSV format.

Step 6: To upload the grades for a Reflection, Enter grades in the file and save the file without changing the format.
Choose Grade & Section, Term, Evaluation Name, Subject, Reflection types for which you would like to upload the remarks, Type as Reflection, Grade option. Now,
Choose the file from your computer and click on Validate to upload button.

Step 7: Check the message displayed after validation. If the records you entered are matching with the correct count. Click on Save to save the remarks or Cancel to cancel the upload.

Please note that, if the validation message shows incorrect records, when you save the file, only the records which are correct will be uploaded. The incorrect records will not be uploaded.

Step 8: To upload Remarks for a reflection type, Choose Grade & Section, Term, Evaluation Name, Subject, Reflection types for which you would like to upload the remarks, Type as Reflection, Remarks option and click on the download file format.
Enter the remarks against the student and save the file as it is in .CSV format.

Step 9: To upload the remarks for a Reflection, Enter remarks in the file and save the file without changing the format.
Choose Grade & Section, Term, Evaluation Name, Subject, Reflection types for which you would like to upload the remarks, Type as Reflection, Remarks option. Now,
Choose the file from your computer and click on Validate to upload button.

Step 10: Check the message displayed after validation. If the records you entered are matching with the correct count. Click on Save to save the remarks or Cancel to cancel the upload.

Please note that, if the validation message shows incorrect records, when you save the file, only the records which are correct will be uploaded. The incorrect records will not be uploaded.

Sub Reflection type-wise:

Step 11: To upload Grade for a Sub Reflection type, Choose Grade & Section, Term, Evaluation Name, Subject, Reflection types for which you would like to upload the remarks, Type as Sub Reflection, Grade option and click on the download file format.
Enter the remarks against the student and save the file as it is in .CSV format.

Step 12: To upload the grades for a Sub Reflection, Enter grades in the file and save the file without changing the format.
Choose Grade & Section, Term, Evaluation Name, Subject, Reflection types for which you would like to upload the remarks, Type as Sub Reflection, Grade option. Now,
Choose the file from your computer and click on Validate to upload button.

Step 13: Check the message displayed after validation. If the records you entered are matching with the correct count. Click on Save to save the remarks or Cancel to cancel the upload.

Please note that, if the validation message shows incorrect records, when you save the file, only the records which are correct will be uploaded. The incorrect records will not be uploaded.

Step 14: To upload Remarks for a Sub reflection type, Choose Grade & Section, Term, Evaluation Name, Subject, Reflection types for which you would like to upload the remarks, Type as Sub Reflection, Remarks option and click on the download file format.
Enter the remarks against the student and save the file as it is in .CSV format.

Step 15: To upload the remarks for a Sub Reflection, Enter remarks in the file and save the file without changing the format.
Choose Grade & Section, Term, Evaluation Name, Subject, Reflection types for which you would like to upload the remarks, Type as Sub Reflection, Remarks option. Now,
Choose the file from your computer and click on Validate to upload button.

Step 16: Check the message displayed after validation. If the records you entered are matching with the correct count. Click on Save to save the remarks or Cancel to cancel the upload.

Please note that, if the validation message shows incorrect records, when you save the file, only the records which are correct will be uploaded. The incorrect records will not be uploaded.

How to update the Result Status?

The result status updated in this screen is to show in the report card. Based on the status updated here the student will not be promoted to next year unless the required settings are made and action is taken as per the process.

Please note that this status helps us to show only in the report card.

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose Update Result Status option under Grade Book menu.

Step 5: Choose Class, section and Click Get to get the list of students.

Step 6: Select all or specific student, choose the status as Passes & Promoted or conditional promotion and choose the class and section where you would like to promote the students in next year. You can also choose status as Detained or Retest. In these cases, please note that promoted to class and section will be disabled. Promoted on the date will be the day you save the status. Once you choose the desired status click on Save.

How to Update the Student Health and Activity Record?

Step 1: Login to MCB with Login Credentials.

Step 2: Select Gradebook on the dashboard and you will be directed to the Gradebook page.

Step 3: Select “Gradebook” on the top bar and choose “Health & Activity Record”.

Step 4: Select the Class & Section, Terms & choose the required Health Component & then click on Get.

Step 5: Enter the Result of the health component of the students & then save.

How to update Co-Scholastic Grade Descriptive Indicator?

Step 1: Login to MCB and Switch to branch level by clicking on Change access level on the right panel as you click on the user profile picture.

Step 2: Click on the user type against the branch name.

Step 3: Click on the Gradebook on the top menu bar.

Step 4: Choose CoScholastic Grade Entry (Descriptive Indicator) option under the Grade Book menu.

Step 5: Choose Class & Sec, Term, Part, Co-Scholastic Skill, Assessment and click on Search to get the list of students.

Step 6: Click on Give grade against the student.

Step 7: Choose grade for each sub-skill available under the Skill and click on Calculate Grade. Enter descriptive Indicator in the text area. Please observe that the student name is displayed by default at the beginning of the sentence. You may delete the student name if you do not need in the description or continue to have it. Click on Save button.

Step 8: To Edit grade and Descriptive indicator, click on Edit grade.

Step 9: Repeat step 7 for editing.